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COM200 Interpersonal Communication Paper

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Jamie Soldavini
Week 2 Discussion 1
COM200: Interpersonal Communication (ACM1704G)
Instructor: Bonnie Stiemke

Bevan & Sole (2014) postulates that culture is the cumulative knowledge deposits, beliefs, values, experiences, attitudes, roles, meanings, hierarchies, notions of time, spatial relations, the worldviews and the material possessions that a group of people has acquired over generations through group and individual strives. Culture is not static; it is dynamic and is constantly reconfigured by the human behavior, beliefs, experiences, ideas and attitudes amongst another things a fore mentioned. Culture has its important in understanding communication because culture is symbolic communication, and the meanings of the symbols can be learned and perpetuated through institutions of a society (Beebe, 2011). I think it is very important to understand different cultures so you can effectively communicate with the natives and can hopefully avoid offend them. One of the first cultures I define myself with is the American culture. In Chapter 3, we Americans …show more content…
3.2). Having a friend in the Marine Corps he told that a very distinct culture and is even extremely different from the other U. S. branches. The Marine Corps is a very high tempo occupation. They have very strict rules that they have obey by. My friend said after spending 5 years in the Marine Corps taught him a lot and he still follows strict orders even though he is at home and not on a military base, but he says that the Marines Corps made him into a better person and better man. This Marine Corps culture is also full of alpha males and alpha females and because of this fact, everything turns into a competition and everyone wants to be the best. All of this can be attributed to the Marine Corps belief that we must be better than every other branch of the military in the

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