Premium Essay

Comparing Cassandra 'And' Madame Schachter's Night

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Words 256
Pages 2
Cassandra from Greek mythology and Madame Schachter from Night are characters who share many similarities and differences. One similarity is that they were both prophets who were not believed by anyone. This brought pain and frustration to both of them; they both saw what was going to happen, but were defenseless to stopping it. In the myth of Cassandra, her family believed she was mad, and kept her locked up as a prisoner. Madame Schachter was also thought mad by the Jews on the cattle cars and tied up. In addition, both these characters were killed at the end of their stories. However, Cassandra and Madame Schachter share some differences. Cassandra was cursed by Apollo to not be believed by anyone. Only the curse kept people from hearing

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