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Japanese Camp Research Paper

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I will talk about some camps where Japanese where held until the WW2 was over because the United States Government was scared that they were spies and that they would attack from within the country to. Most of the Japanese were sent to these camps because of the Loyalty Questionnaire which had 3 simple questions which were answered with a yes or no and that questionnaire depend if they were sent there or not.
Topaz- Topaz was a camp where they kept Japanese as prisoners. It was named after the topaz mountain and is located in the town of Delta, Utah. Most of the Japanese prisoners were from the San Francisco Bay Area. The number of people from the Bay Area was 11,212 Japanese. Since the camp was in the desert temperatures in the summer were above 100 and in the winter below zero which meant horrible living …show more content…
Most of the Japanese prisoners came from the Central Valley, Northern Coast, & South West Los Angeles in California.
Minidoka- Minidoka was one of the three camps that where on built on Bureau of Reclamation public land. Japanese prisoner experienced a bunch of dust storms and rough seasonal temperatures. There was more than 7,318 prisoners that came from Washington, Oregon, & Alaska. They had the Japanese doing projects for the Bureau such as irrigation & filling labor shortages on local farms in the area.
Gila River- Gila River was one of the War Relocation Authority camps located on Indian Reservations. Both of the camps located on Indian reservation where in Arizona to. Over 16,000 Japanese prisoners lived there most of which were from California. Japanese prisoner there worked on Agriculture, war production, & for War Relocation Authority staff positions in support positions for administers or in the mess hall, schools, or hospitals. And the Gila River Eagles was the camps baseball team and became very well known that First lady Eleanor Roosevelt visited in April

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