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Japanese Internment Camps Research Paper

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How would you like to be one of the 127,000 people imprisoned because of their race? Well people being of Japanese ancestry got put into 4 different types of camps. the types of camps were assembly centers,internment camps, detention or isolation camps. The Japanese Americans were thought to have loyalty to japan. The families that were held in the camps had to work,parents were getting paid 5 dollars,the kids were forced to go to school.This is why America is a terrible place. The start of the camps happened two weeks after the pearl harbor bombing. The U.S President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the document for 9066 which made all Japanese Americans leave the west coast("Japanese Americans in Concentration Camps"). The camps broke up family members and relationships. In march 1946 the last camp closed down, then 1988 the government award prizes to the Japanese American for surviving the camp() The bombing of pearl harbor took rights from the Japanese Americans before they were put in camps. After the camps, some places …show more content…
Food in Japanese internment camps also added to the terror of the Japanese. In internment camps, Japanese were given food three times a day(Period 3's LA Wiki / FrontPage). Meals were served in big mess halls, where a bell would signal mealtimes. Food portions were tiny, food was starchy, and dull. Most meals consisted of spud and a loaf of bread, anyone over 5 didn't get milk to drink. The camps had a prison of a school, health care was really sloppy, camps had newspapers about what was happening there, and sometimes entertainment("OpenStudy"). Also, internees were paid by the government, they got paid depending on the amount of work done. Unfortunately, some internees died from disease.Japanese Americans were only allowed to bring few possessions from their past life.The daily activities in the internment camps were far from what the Japanese would have experienced in their own

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