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Non Gamers Reflexes Research Paper

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Can video games really benefit you? My project is to test gamer’s reflexes from non-gamers reflexes. My project will help you understand how gamer’s reflexes may be faster from non-gamers reflexes and why they are faster. Why are gamer’s reflexes faster than non-gamers reflexes?
“A reflex is an involuntary, or automatic, action that your body does in response to something-without you even having to think about it.” Reflexes help keep you safe. Blinking, raising your arm, coughing and sneezing are reflexes. Reflexes happen when the spinal cord sends a message to a muscle telling it to contract. Doctors check your reflexes to make sure your nervous system is working (Dowshen).
“Video games really could make your mind sharper by improving your …show more content…
They have contrast sensitivity “which is the ability to see subtle shades of gray.” Gamers are able to detect new info coming at them faster.
Some factors that may affect reaction time may be your state of attention or if you are too relaxed or tense. Relevance might also affect reaction time. A life threatening situation may affect reaction time. Age can also affect reaction time. The older you get, the less quick your reactions are. If the stimulus is in your line of sight then you will react quicker than if it is in the corner of your eye. If you are tired or fatigued it will affect your reaction time. If there is a distraction of some sort, for example, trying to do another task, like texting and driving, may affect your reaction time.
If you have a slow reaction time, then your accuracy probably won’t be so good. “One expectation is when individuals are trained on such speeded tasks. Performance on the trained task is then improved: however, little or at best limited transfer to new tasks is observed, limiting the benefits of training.” Some action video games may lead to faster reaction times on tasks unrelated to the game (Dye, Green, and …show more content…
Reaction time can be improved by practice.
“Video game players had faster reaction times on the order of 100 milliseconds, which might not feel like a lot but in this domain its quite a strong finding…a difference of 100 milliseconds could really help you avoid accidents…of course research also shows that playing too often might lead to bad grades or even aggressive behavior” (Dare).
Some studies show that people who play video games will make faster decisions. Video games can improve your sensitivity for what’s around you. Video games can improve reaction time in real life situations.
“…Video game players develop a heightened sensitivity to what is going on around them…but improves a wide variety of general skills that can help with everyday activities like multitasking, driving, reading small print, keeping track of friends in a crowd, and navigating around town.” Many Americans play video games, up to 68% of households play video games (University of

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