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Mariam's 'A Thousand Splendid Suns'

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A Thousand Splendid Suns Parents should always be there and care for their kids, no matter what. For example, in the book (36) the author states, “Mariam caught a glimpse of what was beneath the tree: the straight-backed chair, overturned. The rope dropping from a high branch. Nana dangling at the end of it.” Nana should have just supported Mariam if she wanted to go, because that way if she gets hurt and does not want to be with Jalil anymore, she has somewhere to go home to. Mariam just wanted to see her father, that she does not get to see everyday. Nana was thinking that Mariam wanted to abandon her and was making her feel bad about herself, saying that Jalil does not want her, and he is not going to take her in. Then she continues

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