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Prisoners In Vietnam War Essay

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Prisoners of war in Vietnam were literally surviving hell in the years that they were there. Some prisoners were there for more than six years, and they came back with scars, physically and emotionally, that showed what they had been through. Although they were not treated well in Vietnam, they still managed to have hope in the prisons. Leo Thorsness and the other prisoners of war went through many difficult situations, but were still able to thrive while they were in Vietnam. During their final years in Vietnam, there was a failed rescue mission that made all the prisoners move into one camp, the Hanoi Hilton. All the prisoners got to meet each other since they were staying in one big cell. When the first Sunday came around, everyone decided …show more content…
One day while the prisoners were “showering” (pouring water over themselves), Mike found a slimy rag in the corner of the yard. Leo Thorsness distracted the guards by talking very loudly while Mike went to pick it up. When Mike brought it back to their cell, he washed it and began to make an American Flag out of it. He was grinding up red bricks in order to make red stripes on the cloth, and then he ground up the blue medicine they were given to make the corner blue. Then to make the stars in the corner, Mike used some string from their pajamas and sewed them in. When Mike finally finished, he held up the flag one morning and waved it around, mimicking a flag waving in the wind. He got everyone’s attention, and Thorsness explained in detail, “As we turned Mike’s way, we automatically came to attention and saluted. Some of us began to cry” (Thorsness 108). When the Vietnamese found the flag Mike made, he was tortured. He came back to the cell bloody, and barely able to walk. Mike knew that making the flag was worthwhile, because it reminded the soldiers of what they were fighting for and that their experiences in prison were not all in vain. The flag gave them hope, and reminded them of the future they would have in

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