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College Athletes Should Be Paid

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University athletes deserve to be paid There's a story about one of the most dominant college football players of all time. Reggie bush, USC running back, and 2005 Heisman winner. Bush and family was reported receiving over 250,000 dollars in gifts. This first became suspicious when Bush showed up to the heisman ceremony in a limo. Bush was later investigated years later, and was USC had their Orange Bowl stripped from them, due to knowing about Bush receiving gifts. Bush was also deprived from his Heisman trophy. This brings up the topic of college athletes college athletes receiving money and should it be illegal? This has been a very controversial topic lately and some believe that the process of full ride scholarships should stay in college …show more content…
There is too much money in college athletics to not pay these athletes. The athletes put in too much work, time, and commitment to the school not to be paid. The reader should care that these athletes are not getting paid. Thousands of people are making MILLIONS of dollars off of the student athletes without the athletes receiving any compensation. Sports were created for the enjoyment and friendly competition. Currently society has turned the friendly competition to a money system rather than playing the great game. Sports teach kids hard work, determination, and a commitment to a team that can never be taken away. College universities have changed these athletes minds. Giving these student athletes a “free education” in exchange for their blood sweat and tears while the university watches and receives revenue that the athletes generate. The reader should know that the business of college athletics is very unfair. The universities are making incredible amounts of money off of these, “entertainment products”. The reader should be thinking about how these student athletes are getting jipped. It makes sense why college athletics hasn’t shifted to a pay system yet. These executives are rich and greedy and are happy with it. The change is coming in the future. College athletes will be paid in the

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