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Common Head Injury: The Importance Of Concussions In Education

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The most common head injury is a concussion, so it is almost a guarantee that one will have to teach someone who has suffered a concussion in their teaching career. There are many causes for concussions in children including falls from playground equipment, mishaps in gym class and participation in organized sports. It is important that teachers know the common symptoms and the proper treatments that can be used to lessen the effect of a head injury. Classroom strategies are also a crucial thing for educators to understand when teaching to a child who has suffered a concussion. Imagine that you are the teacher who is on playground duty and you heard a loud thud behind you, turning to find that a child has just fallen from the monkey bars. Then, you rush over to check on the student who seems to be dazed and confused but still conscious. This is the first thing to note, according to the authors at Heads Up …show more content…
If this was the scenario, the educator would have to implement some new classroom strategies to accommodate the student. Another article written by the individuals at Heads Up to Schools list ideas for addressing concussions in the classroom. The one that immediately comes to my mind and is mentioned is the reduction of distractions such as sounds and light. A student suffering from a head injury will be sensitive to bright light and loud noises making them irritable. Extra time and repetition may be helpful for this struggling student because this gives them time to finish assigned tasks and reinforces the points being presented to them. The child may also experience times of frustration and failure when completing tasks in class. It is important for the teacher to redirect the student to other aspects of the curriculum where they have seen success (Returning to

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