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Business Analysis: Geico Rewards

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3GEICOGeico RewardsGEICO is an insurance company known for its clever commercials starring a witty Geico lizard who sports a British accent. While this company claims to do right by its customers, one would hope that the rewards programs it offers its employees offers the same satisfaction. The site reads that their, “associates’ quality of life—now and in the years to come—is important to us. As a full-time GEICO associate, you'll be offered a comprehensive Total Rewards Program. Benefits include a variety of options to preserve your health and well-being, secure your financial future, and enjoy more out of life (GEICO, 2018)!” This beckoning for people to become involved with this company based on the perks of their rewards program would …show more content…
With the increase in employee engagement, it has proven to be a significant factor in the improvement of various organizational outcomes (Bartlomiejczuk, 2015). These positive outcomes include customer loyalty, profitability, employee productivity, and retention to instill and reinforce corporate values, while helping with retention, and advantages to positively impact financial results poses a significant asset to employees (Bartlomiejczuk, 2015). These rewards programs also boost productivity, employee engagement,profit margins, customer retention, employee retention, ROE, and ROA (Bartlomiejczuk, 2015). When an employee is happy this positivity is conveyed in the ways that they enage with customers. So, not only does a great rewards program ensure that there are satisfied employees, but this typically amounts to better service. The importance of rewards programs is vital to the idea of engaging employees with perks that will make their time with the company worth it. To ensure that they are happy is to ensure that they treat customers better. The total rewards program offered by GEICO offers benefits in all realms including, Employee's health and well-being, continuous education and training of the working people,finance and retirement benefits, on site amenities and benefits, as well as time off & leave facilities. These benefits have been found to line up with …show more content…
This is done via their company website that possesses a page dedicated specifically to breaking down the various elements of the rewards program (GEICO, 2018). Employees that are presently working for the company, as well as prospective employees have the opportunity to discover and reflect on the advantages of their reward’s program on this website (GEICO, 2018). The communication of Geico’s total rewards program is very thorough and effective. This is due to the fact that the website splits information up in a manner that employees won’t find themselves overwhelmed. The details of each aspect of the total rewards program are described in their delegated windows (Murphy, 2015). Ways in which there can be improvements made would include information on how to enroll in each of these programs and who to contact in the event that their are comprehension issues. The website is void of this particular information. Improvements & Rewards ResolutionsAfter carefully analyzing the details of Geico’s total rewards program, it is apparent that the advantages being offered are very beneficial to the morale and engagement of its employees. However, it is important to consider resolutions in the event that things are satisfying its employees accordingly. A way that resolution would be implemented in an effort to satisfy

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