...Chaptet t ft.lutian t)t Huranr F.rorr.e r\.hr.rqen)rnr .jird Hil/5 conlercnce sponsored by the Socrety [or Human Resources Management (SHRM) and remember how ar HRIS rnay be what you needl As this chapter and the ones that follow w ll ne lsactvtesandthedemands' ol the human capital ol the orgarrzal on Thrs aLrtomairon he ps develop the capabr t es to es an HR deparlmenl to streaml rlunrale. af HRlS enab placed on rt by automating lhe HR dala and pro.esses necessary for the management prodlce rn[ormation and reports on lhe r€quests contained n the memos in the v gn€tte and lhese reports wri lac lrtate efliclent afd eflective manageria dec s on mak ng WhiLe an HR 5 canfol make the ludgement ca ls in terms ol whom lo recru I or promote, it can cerlarnLy lacrl lale better inputt fg integratiof afd use ol employee data, wh ch wil reduce the admrn strat ve blrrden oI keeping detailed records and should aid and enhance dec srons about stclegic d rections Need for an HRIS in Decision Situations ll you read the above memos again. you w ll recogn ze iha! each one has a request lor HRI\4 nfornraton lhal wil be used n a decston stlaton The inlormatror rcquested n Memo I wil help the egal depa(menl delermne the compafys potertal labr ty vad n a workplace gender disc(m nat on s tLat on Thrs rlomat on rnay help to determrne whether the company shoLr d decide lo rect ly lhe silual on in lerms ol an nforma sett e' mertwth the lemale statf membels orto defend...
Words: 4270 - Pages: 18
...^ Academy oi Management Review 2000, Vol. 25, No. 1, 217-22G. NOTE THE PROMISE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AS A . FIELD OF RESEARCH SCOTT SHANE University of Maryland S. VENKATARAMAN tiniversity of Virginia To date, the phenomenon of entrepreneurship has lacked a conceptual framework. In this note we draw upon previous research conducted in the different social science disciplines and applied fields of business to create a conceptual framework for the field. With this framework we explain a set of empirical phenomena and predict a set of outcomes not explained or predicted by conceptual frameworks already in existence in other fields. For a field of social science to have usefulness, it must have a conceptual framework that explains and predicts a set of empirical phenomena not explained or predicted by conceptual frameworks already in existence in other fields. To date, the phenomenon of entrepreneurship has lacked such a conceptual framework. Rather than explaining and predicting a unique set of empirical phenomena, enfrepreneurship has become a broad label under which a hodgepodge of research is housed. What appears to constitute entrepreneurship research today is some aspect of the setting (e.g., small businesses or new firms), rather than a unique conceptual domain. As a result, many people have had trouble identifying the distinctive contribution of the field to the broader domain of business studies, undermining the field's legitimacy. Researchers in other fields ask...
Words: 6473 - Pages: 26