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Monetary Policy


Submitted By pavemech
Words 747
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Monetary Policy
Todd Underwood
13 July 2011
Tulin Melancon

Monetary Policy Money, Money, Money -- what is it all about? To quote Charles Dickens "Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pound ought and six, result misery."
Purpose and Function of Money Money is a generally accepted method of payment for goods and services including repayment of debts. The functions of money include a medium of exchange, which is an alternative means used in trade to avoid the inconveniences of the barter system. Money also functions as a unit of account, which is a standard monetary unit of measurement of value and cost of goods, services, or assets. As one of three well-known functions of money, it provides meaning to profits, losses, liability, or assets. Another function of money is as a store of value, which means it can be saved and used at a later time, and be predictably useful when used. Any kind of object or secure verifiable record that fulfills these functions can serve as money

Central Bank Management of the Monetary System

The central bank plays an important role in keeping the nations economy running smoothly. The bank provides management of the supply of money and credit and with currency and payment services like electronic funds transfers and check clearing. The central bank also serves as the “banker” for the United States federal government by providing financial services to the United States Department of Treasury. In addition to these roles the Central bank also supervises and regulates a major portion of the countries banking and financial institutions and administers banking and finance-related consumer protection laws.

Stated Direction

With economic conditions still iffy at best the Federal Open Market Committee has projected the need for interest rates to remain at between 0-.25%. The committee also noted that these exceptionally low rates could be required for an extended period of time to bolster the slow to rebound economy. Factors involved in the process was a slower than expected economic recovery, a lagging housing market still suffering from its implosion, and did not exclude the possible need for a third round of economic stimulus because of higher unemployment rates and inferior job creation numbers.

Policy Action

An action the committee agreed to maintain was the existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its securities holdings and their intention to buy $600 billion of longer-term Treasury securities by the end of the second quarter of 2011. This action is intended to promote a stronger pace of economic recovery and to help ensure in the long-term inflation would remain at levels consistent with the Committee’s mandate. The committee emphasized that they would continue to periodically review the rate of its securities purchases and the overall value of the asset purchase program would adjust the program as needed to best foster maximum employment and price stability.

Effects of Monetary Policies

Government monetary policies have significant effects on consumer’s behavior and every-day decisions made by people and businesses as well. Taxations are a fiscal policy with big impacts on individuals and businesses. When you pay more tax you have less discretionary funds to use for other things because of the reduction in your net income, and when people and businesses spend less – the economy suffers. In America where we pay much less tax almost any other country in the western world, people usually think that and increase in taxes is a form of punishment by the government. These higher tax rates can also lead to increased use of the black market for labor and cheap materials. Taxation policies as a part of the fiscal monetary policy, has a significant impact on unemployment rates, overall efficiency, and productivity. Policies in regard to interest rates are another vital component of the fiscal monetary policy. A hike in interest rates or conversely a decrease changes the movement of money. When interest rates go up, money becomes tight – cash becomes scarce, banks stop lending money expansion is limited and production decreases. On the other hand, when rates get lower Meaning, when interest rates hike, cash becomes scarce and credit tightens, as a result, monetary expansion becomes limited and production decreases. On the other hand, when interest rates decline, loans are easier to get, cash is available, and production increases.

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References Funny, Inspiring and Stupid Money Quotes From Famous People, Glen Stansberry, 2 June 2009

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