Premium Essay

Apa 5th


Submitted By jckl
Words 882
Pages 4
APA (5th ed.) Format and Style Checklist
General Guidelines
Style must be Times New Roman or Courier New. Font size for word processors is 12-pt.
Page Headers
Headers must include the first two or three words of the title. Type the page header 5 spaces to the left of the page number (p. 288, 5.06; sample paper, p. 306).
Note: Do not confuse the page header with the running head. In fact, the running head is typically used ONLY for material submitted for publication (p. 296, 5.15).
Title Page
Double-space, use upper and lowercase, include a page header, and number as page 1 (pp. 296-298, 5.15). APA contents of title page are listed on pp. 10-11. The title page is page #1 (p. 306).
Main Body of the Text
All four sides must be 1", per University of Phoenix guideline. (APA states at least 1", p. 240, 4.04). Make the right margin ragged.
Page Numbers
Page numbers must be 1" from the right edge, between top edge and first line of text on all pages (p. 288, 5.06; pp. 306-320).
Use only for University of Phoenix papers if required by the assignment. When assigned, use APA guidelines (p. 298, 5.16).
Title of Paper
Type in upper and lowercase letters, center on first page of text, double-space, and then start text (p. 298, 5.17).
Headings indicate the organization of the paper and establish importance. Match headings to the complexity of the paper. Use at least Level 1 to better organize paper. Title of paper (centered, upper and lowercase) on first page is not considered a separate heading level. If the paper requires two headings, use levels 1 and 3; if three headings are required, use levels 1, 3, and 4 (pp. 111-115, 3.30-3.32). See manuscript example, pp. 307-308.
Use flush-left style, leaving the right margin ragged. Do not divide words at the end of the line (p.287, 5.04).

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Project Management

...Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani Work-Integrated Learning Programmes Division Second Semester 2013-2014 Assignment No. 1   Course No.                      : MM ZG 523 Course Title                    : PROJECT MANAGEMENT Nature of Assignment    : Take Home  Weightage                      : 5%    1. Is  project  management  designed  to  transfer  power  from  line  managers  to  the  project  manager? Explain the context of a project driven and a non-project driven organization? 2. Draw the organization structure of your organization and focus on the organization culture  that  exists  in  your  organization.  Suppose  your  company  has  decided  to  set  up  a  new  manufacturing  unit  of  low  capacity  at  another  location,  what  organizational  structure  form  will it prefer? 3. Study  the  Case  3.1  given  in  the  Text  Book  (T1)  on  Page  108-110  and  answer  the  FOUR  questions that follow at the end of this case study. 4. The sales of a certain product during a fourteen year period have been as follows: Period Sales Period 1 2000 8 2 2200 9 3 2100 10 4 2300 11 5 2500 12 6 3200 13 7 3600 14 Find the least square regression line for the data given. Sales 4000 3900 4000 4200 4300 4900 5300 5. Sulabh International is evaluating a project whose expected cash flows are as follows: Year Cash Flow in Rupees 0 (1000,000) 1 100,000 2 200,000 3 300,000 4 600,000 5 300,000 a. What is the NPV of the project, if the discount rate is 14% for the entire period...

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Project Management

...Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani Work-Integrated Learning Programmes Division Second Semester 2013-2014   Assignment No. 1   Course No.                  : MM ZG 523 Course Title                 : PROJECT MANAGEMENT Nature of Assignment   : Take Home Weightage                    : 5%   1. Is project management designed to transfer power from line managers to the project manager? Explain the context of a project driven and a non-project driven organization? 2. Draw the organization structure of your organization and focus on the organization culture that exists in your organization. Suppose your company has decided to set up a new manufacturing unit of low capacity at another location, what organizational structure form will it prefer? 3. Study the Case 3.1 given in the Text Book (T1) on Page 108-110 and answer the FOUR questions that follow at the end of this case study. 4. The sales of a certain product during a fourteen year period have been as follows: Period | Sales | Period | Sales | 1 | 2000 | 8 | 4000 | 2 | 2200 | 9 | 3900 | 3 | 2100 | 10 | 4000 | 4 | 2300 | 11 | 4200 | 5 | 2500 | 12 | 4300 | 6 | 3200 | 13 | 4900 | 7 | 3600 | 14 | 5300 | Find the least square regression line for the data given. 5. Sulabh International is evaluating a project whose expected cash flows are as follows: Year | Cash Flow in Rupees | 0 | (1000,000) | 1 | 100,000 | 2 | 200,000 | 3 | 300,000 | 4 | 600,000 | 5 | 300,000 | a. What...

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...二面的准备: 1.这次主要攻案例分析, 我在应届生的BBS上看了很多面经, 把问题分了分类, 现在写的东西主要是靠回忆, 因为当时面试后又飞回国外, 所以笔记都遗失了, 不过我会尽量写全的,如有不周,还请大家多多担待啊。 问题主要分几类: a) 增加国内\外市场份额、增加销售收入 b) 增强团队合作, 很多情况是由于文化差异导致的 c) 如何协助公司向整个团队传达不是很好的消息, 比如团队解散,安排团队不愿意接受的任务等 d) 危机管理 e) 资源的合理分配, 比如划分办公区域等 2.关于增加国内\外市场份额、增加销售收入方面案例的分析,可基于以下思路: a) 对于4C和4P要非常的熟悉, 比如对于每条的理解都要比较深刻, 不是说只知道定义就行了, 那样的话, 就很难总结成自己的思路。 例如,对于cost & price 的理解,我抛个砖头先,大家自己再挖玉啊,成本低固然是好事, 但是不能一味的只注重削减成本,而忽略了消费者的需求;关于定价,也不能只考虑成本, 而要考虑到目标消费群体的最高心理价位,这样在产品的成本和消费者的最高心理价位之间并且兼并考虑竞争对手的情况,寻找一个价位点。 在熟悉了4C 和4P 并有了自己的见解之后,还有很多工作要做。 首先是对市场的分析, 这里首先要对外部环境有个很好的分析, 主要包括: 政治、经济、文化、技术、行业分析研究等。这个对于分析进军国外市场尤其重要,大家仔细研究一下。 我在这里主要是起个总结的作用, 因为工作很忙, 实在没有时间每个点展开来说, 就请大家自己多做功课吧。 然后,同学们还可以在参考波特五力和SWOT模型再分析一下企业所面临的环境, 这对下面策略的确定,都有决定性的意义。接下来, 是进行市场调研,其中市场调研的手段也有很多,凡是大家能自己能在网上找到的学习资料,我在此就不重复了。在调研中, 所谓成也调研,败也调研, 大家可以找一些相关的案例看为什么成功为什么失败并且多长的调研时间是合适的(再抛个砖啊, 比如:时间太短,可能调研结果太粗糙;可是太长成本比较高, 更有可能延误了商机), 就能明白这句话的深刻含义啦。调研过后, 有了第一手的资料, 就要开始进行市场定位了, 这里也有一些要考虑的, 比如是不是需要市场细分, 如何定位目标群体等。 再插一句,在所有环节中都要兼顾以消费者的需求为出发点考虑问题,这样在能不偏离轨道。 然后, 在产品和产品线的分析中, 建议大家可以用波士顿矩阵来分析, 非常简单明了。这些准备工作做好后,我们还要有另外一条思考的主线,就是在企业的角度, 从原材料采购, 运输到工厂,生产,包装(包装也很有讲究, 有兴趣也可自己在深究一下),运到卖场,然后销售 (促销环节要自己做功课准备啊),传递到消费者手中, 最后还要非常重视售后服务,保持消费者的忠诚度。 还有, 对于进入新市场和增加市场份额,渠道销售是重中之重, 这里大概至少有5种方式, 同学们在网上可以查的到, 每种方式的优缺点都要分析的很透彻, 这样在运用的时候才能有的放矢。 这次,我们该一起分析之前提到的 b & c( b.增强团队合作, 很多情况是由于文化差异导致; c. 如何协助公司向整个团队传达不是很好的消息, 比如团队解散,安排团队不愿意接受的任务等). 这两个问题一起来讨论, 是因为思路差不多, 都是沟通方面的问题。 沟通分为正式沟通和非正式沟通, 在解决这类问题的时候, 正式和非正式沟通要合理搭配使用,才能达到理想的效果。 ...

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Merton Truck Company

...Operations Research Assignment 1: Merton Truck Company Submitted to Professor Sumit Kumar By Sneh Chandel PGPX 2015-16 Roll No – 1503010 On 27/01/2015 Problem 1 1. (a) The best product mix can be found out by plotting out the corner points of graph obtained to maximize function p = 3000x + 5000y – 8600000 The above function was derived by subtracting cost price of ‘Truck model 101’ & ‘Truck Model 102’ from sales price of ‘Truck model 101’ & ‘Truck Model 102’. Sales price is quoted in text as $39,000 for ‘Model 101’ and $38,000 for ‘Model 102’ Cost Price of truck was obtained from following table:   |   |   | Model 101 |   |   | Model 102 | Direct Materials | | | $24000 | | | $20000 | Direct Labor | | | | | | | | Engine assembly | 1200 | | | 2400 | | | Metal Stamping | 800 | | | 600 | | | Final Assembly | 2000 | | | 1500 | | Total Direct Labor | | | $4000 | | | $4500 | Overhead | | | | | | | | Engine Assembly | 2525 | | | 4850 | | | Metal stamping | 3480 | | | 3080 | | | Final Assembly | 6200 | | | 3500 | | | | | 12205 | | | 11430 | Total | | | 40205 | | | 35930 | & the below table to calculate the variable overhead for individual trucks: Department | Variable overhead/unit 101 | Variable overhead/unit 102 | Engine assembly | 2100 | 4000 | Metal stamping | 2400 | 2000 | Model 101 Assembly | 3500 | | Model 102 Assembly | | 2500 | Total | 8000 |...

Words: 1574 - Pages: 7

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...Doyin Ogunbajo's Ultimate Golf Journal January 2011 Trans # 53 Type Invoice Date 1/2/2011 Num 2 Adj Name Yanov, Tamara Yanov, Tamara Yanov, Tamara Yanov, Tamara State Board of Equ... Memo -MULTIPLE-MULTIPLE-MULTIPLECA Sales Tax Account 1200 · Accounts Re... 4020 · Clothing Sales 1120 · Inventory As... 5000 · Cost of Goo... 2200 · Sales Tax P... Debit Credit 600.54 559.94 80.00 80.00 40.60 680.54 54 Invoice 1/2/2011 3 Costini, Maria Costini, Maria Costini, Maria Costini, Maria Costini, Maria State Board of Equ... Golf Clubs: S... -MULTIPLE-MULTIPLE-MULTIPLECA Sales Tax 1200 · Accounts Re... 4030 · Equipment S... 1120 · Inventory As... 5000 · Cost of Goo... 4010 · Accessory S... 2200 · Sales Tax P... Golf Clubs: ... Golf Clubs: ... Golf Clubs: ... CA Sales Tax 1200 · Accounts Re... 4030 · Equipment S... 1120 · Inventory As... 5000 · Cost of Goo... 2200 · Sales Tax P... Golf Bags -MULTIPLE-MULTIPLEGolf Clubs: Ir... CA Sales Tax 10% Discoun... 1200 · Accounts Re... 4010 · Accessory S... 1120 · Inventory As... 5000 · Cost of Goo... 4030 · Equipment S... 2200 · Sales Tax P... 6130 · Sales Discou... 1,034.64 750.00 362.50 362.50 214.70 69.94 1,397.14 55 Invoice 1/2/2011 4 Hammar, Azar Hammar, Azar Hammar, Azar Hammar, Azar State Board of Equ... Invoice 1/2/2011 5 Palm Springs Scho... Palm Springs Scho... Palm Springs Scho... Palm...

Words: 2604 - Pages: 11

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Npv vs Eva

...NPV vs EVA | Investment: | $30,000 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Three years life | | | | | | | | | | | | | | $14,690 annual cash flows | | | | | | | | | | | | | hurdle rate | | 20% | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NPV Year | Cash | Dep'tion | BV of asset | Net Inc | | ROA% | PVF | PV | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 0 | -30000 | | 30000 | | | | 1 | -30000 | | | | | | | 1 | 14690 | 10000 | 20000 | 4690 | | 15.63% | 0.833333 | 12242 | | | | | | | 2 | 14690 | 10000 | 10000 | 4690 | | 23.45% | 0.694444 | 10201 | | | | | | | 3 | 14690 | 10000 | 0 | 4690 | | 46.90% | 0.578704 | 8501 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |   | | | | | | | | NPV | | | | | | | 944 | | | | | | | | IRR | | | | | 22.00% | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | EVA #1 | NPV Year | | Dep'n | Cash | BV of asset | Net Inc | Cap Change | EVA | PVF | PV of EVA | Dep*PVF | Cap charge *PVF | Total | | | 0 | | | | $30,000 | | | | | |   |   |   | | | 1 | | 10000 | 14690 | $20,000 | 4690 | $6,000 | ($1,310) | 0.833333 | ($1,092) | 8333 | $5,000 | $13,333 | | | 2 | | 10000 | 14690 | $10...

Words: 534 - Pages: 3

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...CHART OF ACCOUNT THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA Watung, Fiania Paralel B 100. Instruction 101 Instruction 102 Summer Term Instruction 103 Non-Credit and Receipts-Supported Instruction 104 Division of Health Affairs 105 School of Government 106 Veterinary Medicine 110 Organized Research 120 Agricultural Research Service 121 Administration 122 Research 123 Farms 130 Cooperative Extension Service 131 State Administration 132 State Program Operation 133 County Program Operation 140 Public Service 141 UNC Center for Public Television 142 Community Services 143 North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching 144 MCNC Contract 145 NC Center for School Leadership Development (NCCSLD) 150 Academic Support 151 Libraries 152 General Academic Support 160 Student Services 170 Institutional Support 180 Physical Plant Operations 190 AHEC Program 191 Operations 192 Residency Training 193 Health Sciences Support 200 Student Auxiliaries 201 Auxiliary Administration 202 Campus Center 203 Food Services 204 Health Services 205 Housing Services 206 Laundry Services 207 Recreational Services: (Recreational Service) 208 Student Stores 210 Institutional Auxiliaries 211 Central Motor Pool 212 Central Stores 213 Creamery 214 Printing and Duplicating: (Printing & Dupl) 215 Rental Property 216 Vehicle Registration 217 Utilities Support 219 Other Auxiliaries 220 Independent Operations 227 Utility Services 230 Student Financial Aid 235 SEAA Education Lottery Scholarships...

Words: 1591 - Pages: 7

Premium Essay


...Unit 6 Advanced Spreadsheet Skills Assignment 6.1 This assignment covers the following grading criteria (P1, P2, P5, M1, and D1) The assessed tasks in this unit are based on the scenario below Scenario MNK is a local company who publish 10 different magazines/newspapers in a variety of languages specifically for the Bradford area. They have been approached by other cities interested in their work. MNK are therefore looking to expand their operation to at least one more large city. To achieve this they will need to apply for extra funding from their bank. To support the funding application, the company needs to analyse and review the sales data and costs for the last financial year, which is included in Appendix A. This will require the production of a working spreadsheet model which will enable the production of suitable reports and graphs of current and predicted sales and financial data. You have been approached by MNK to create this spreadsheet model. By using the MNK Sales Data provided, your spreadsheet will hopefully show that MNK is a well run business, capable of expansion. You need to carry out the tasks listed below. Successful completion of these tasks may enable you to achieve the following grading criteria: P1 - create a complex spreadsheet that is fit for purpose and check accuracy P2 - use formulae and functions to solve a complex problem P5 – use conversion facilities to export the contents of a spreadsheet to an alternative format ...

Words: 1012 - Pages: 5

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Apa Style

...Writing in the style prescribed by the American Psychological Association (2001), Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA 5th), can be a daunting experience for both graduate students and faculty members. Green and Gold (1996) suggest that an additional guide can be helpful, minimizing the need for searching through the sometimes confusing and highly detailed text of APA 5th. This paper should help you submit your assignments in the proper format. First, this paper will describe the mechanics of APA formatting. Second, this paper will describe some of the usage requirements of APA formatting. Third, this paper will describe the parameters of referencing material that comes from another person’s work. Finally, this paper will provide the grading criteria for APA formatting of your written assignments. Mechanics of APA Formatting There are several components that are mechanical issues of APA formatting. The most common errors students make are in the margins, running head, and headers (Green & Gold, 1996). This section will help to clarify any mechanical problems you may encounter while writing your papers. Title Page The title page for my course is different from the suggestions in the APA 5th. The title page on papers submitted for SEC370 requirements must include the following information: (a) the header area information, which includes the shortened head with a page number, (b) the running head, and (c) the center section, which includes the title...

Words: 260 - Pages: 2