...APA Referencing Summary A guide to referencing based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). This summary gives examples of the APA referencing style for a number of information sources that you will commonly use. If you cannot find the relevant pattern here, then refer to the APA Publication Manual (6th ed.). Learning Skills highly recommends that you purchase a copy of Robert Perrin’s Pocket Guide to APA Style (3rd ed.) from the Co-op Bookshop. You should also explore using the EndNote software, which you can download for free from the library website. EndNote helps you to reference correctly, and to organize your research and notes. Go to: http://www.csu.edu.au/division/library/research/endnote/index.html Contents Principles – The Reference List – In-text Citations – Page and Paragraph Numbers Print Resources – Books – Periodicals (Journals, Newspapers, and Magazines in print) – CSU Subject Outlines and Readings Audiovisual Media Electronic Media – Basic Principles – Online Journal Articles – Electronic Books – Curriculum and Course Materials Reference Materials – Technical and Research Reports – General Interest Media – Websites Secondary and Other Sources Page 2 2 2 3 6 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 Revised in 2010 This APA Referencing Summary is located at: http://www.csu.edu.au/division/studserv/learning/referencing/index.htm Dr Peter Butler, Manager, Learning, CSU Wagga Page 1 of 16 19.v.2010 Some Basic Principles The Reference...
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...APA STYLE GUIDE Based on Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. (2009) Reference Citations in Text References Print Sources (paper) Articles, books, reports, government documents, corporate author, etc. Electronic Sources (online/web) articles, ebooks, reports, broadcast, data, blogs, wiki, podcasts, etc., More Help with APA APA Web Sites and Tutorials PDF version (5th Edition) Return to Library Home Page American Psychological Association or APA style is widely accepted in the Social Sciences. For more information consult the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association located on 2 North Reference and in Dictionary Stands on all floors: BF 76.7 P83 2010. Publication Manual sections are noted in square brackets [ ]. CITING REFERENCES IN TEXT [6.11-6.22] Throughout the body of your paper, briefly note the author and date of research that you mention. Enough information is needed to identify the correct source in the References list at the end of your paper. For more information and examples, see Table 6.1 in the 6th ed. Publication Manual. Author and Date Cited in Text (no parenthetical citation necessary) In a 1989 article, Gould explores some of Darwin's most effective metaphors. Author Not Cited in Text As metaphors for the workings of nature, Darwin used the tangled bank, the tree of life, and the face of nature (Gould, 1989). Author Cited in Text Gould (1989) attributes Darwin's success...
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...APA 6th edition REFERENCING GUIDE Library January 2014 Foreword This guide is designed to give a clear understanding of the accepted format for the acknowledgement of sources of information in accordance with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Please read through the guide carefully and follow the recommendations. Any comments or queries can be discussed with your lecturer or library staff. For further reading, copies of both the APA Publication Manual and the Concise Rules of APA Style are available from the Polytechnic West libraries. Further information is also available from the APA style website at http://apastyle.org This document is open to continuous improvement. We welcome your comments and contribution. Library Polytechnic West Updated January 2014 APA Referencing Guide 6th Ed 2014 UPDATE.docx 2 Contents What is a referencing system? ................................................................................................................. 4 The APA referencing system .................................................................................................................... 4 In-text citations............................................................................................................................................ 5 Layout of in-text citations ......................................................................................................................
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...Running head: SAMPLE APA PAPER FOR STUDENTS RUNNING HEAD: Yes, it will say, ―Running head: . . . .‖ Use an abbreviated form of the title (not exceeding 50 characters, which includes spaces). The abbreviated title is in capital letters. This will appear in the top left corner of every page —1 inch from the left margin and ½ inch from the top. 1 in. Margin. All written material is within 1in. margins around all sides of the page, on every page. Only the header is outside the 1 in. margin. PAGE NUMBERS: A page number will appear on every page in the top right corner of every page—1 inch from the right margin and ½ inch from the top. 1 All elements in the dotted boxes are not visible on your final paper. Sample APA Paper for Students Learning APA Style NOTE: Information that is required varies from class to class – consult your instructor for which details they require. 1 in. Margin. This information is centered (left to right), double spaced, and can start in the upper half of the page. Your Name The Name of the Course Your Instructor’s Name The Date 1 in. Margin. NOTE: This paper is printed doublesided to save paper. A proper APA paper should not be double-sided. 1 in. Margin. Running head: SAMPLE APA PAPER FOR STUDENTS Abstract Section title. 2 You may not have to include an abstract with your paper; if in doubt, ask your instructor. The abstract is a single paragraph in block format (without paragraph indentation) and should be between 150 and 250...
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...Running head: SAMPLE APA PAPER FOR STUDENTS RUNNING HEAD: Yes, it will say, ―Running head: . . . .‖ Use an abbreviated form of the title (not exceeding 50 characters, which includes spaces). The abbreviated title is in capital letters. This will appear in the top left corner of every page —1 inch from the left margin and ½ inch from the top. All elements in the dotted boxes are not visible on your final paper. 1 in. Margin. All written material is within 1in. margins around all sides of the page, on every page. Only the header is outside the 1 in. margin. 1 PAGE NUMBERS: A page number will appear on every page in the top right corner of every page—1 inch from the right margin and ½ inch from the top. Sample APA Paper for Students Learning APA Style NOTE: Information that is required varies from class to class – consult your instructor for which details they require. 1 in. Margin. This information is centered (left to right), double spaced, and can start in the upper half of the page. Your Name The Name of the Course 1 in. Margin. Your Instructor’s Name The Date NOTE: This paper is printed doublesided to save paper. A proper APA paper should not be double-sided. 1 in. Margin. Running head: SAMPLE APA PAPER FOR STUDENTS Abstract 2 Section title. You may not have to include an abstract with your paper; if in doubt, ask your instructor. The abstract is a single paragraph in block format (without paragraph...
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...Sample APA Paper 1 Use an ab bre v iated title as a hea der on each pag e Start the page numbe rs on the title Sample APA Paper Ivy Tech College Libr arians Title Author I n st ru ct or’ s Name Cou r se and Numb er Due d a te Cente r this information from top to bottom and left to right Instructor’s Name Course XXX-XX February 18, 2004 *In APA us e a traditional fon t type (i.e. Times New Roma n or Ari a l), either 10 or 12 font size and doubl e sp ace the entire do cu m ent Sample APA Paper 2 Cente r the title on the first page of the te xt. Note that it is in the s a me font s i ze as the pa per i t self and there is n o bo ld print, etc. Sample APA Paper Subject he adi ngs may be u s ed if they fit with the style of the pape r Introduction *In APA s e t the margi n s to one inch Approximately 14 million women in the United States are battling with the disease Anorexia Nerv osa, AN, which is des cribed as “one of the least understood and most i n tractable of all ment al illnesses ” (Schindehette, Sandler, Nelson and Seaman, 2003, p. 136). Many of the victims of this disease will battle it for the rest of their lives. Howeve r, if AN is diagnosed early, during the teen years, it is possible to cure it wit h appropriate treatment (Cooper, 2001). Therefore, adolesc ent wo men struggling wit h AN need effective treatment, and today, after four decades...
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...Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Library APA Style Referencing Examples (6th edition) This brochure is based on the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), but is not a comprehensive guide. This brochure contains examples of references in APA style. The most common kinds of references are illustrated here. V. Books With Editors Duncan, G. J., & Brooks, J. (Eds.). (1997). Consequences of growing up poor. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation. VI. Books With Edition Helfer, M. E., Keme, R. S., & Drugman, R. D. (1997). The battered child (5th ed.). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. APA Style Reference Examples Online guidelines for commonly asked questions, complex expression of writing and tips on specific questions are available from http://apastyle.apa.org VII. Chapter in an Edited Book O'Neil, J. M., & Egan, J. (1992). Men's and women's gender role journeys: Metaphor for healing, transition, and transformation. In B. R. Wainrib (Ed.), Gender issues across the life cycle (pp. 107-123). New York, NY: Springer. Print Resources (6th Edition) Books VIII. Dictionaries Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary (11th ed.). (2005). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster. • Names are listed last name, then initials. Separate names with a comma, and use & before the last author, e.g. Helfer, M. E., & Duncan, G. J. • Use Ed. for ONE editor, Eds. for MULTIPLE editors, e.g. (Ed.). / (Eds.). • Capitalize first...
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...APAStyle IN-TEXT CITATIONS A Quick Guide Campus Writing Program & the IUB Libraries This is an APA style guide for the most commonly used citation formats. Examples are adapted from the APA Publication Manual, 6th edition. Anonymous or unknown author: (Short Title, year, pp.); (“Short Article,” year) Citation: It was found that dogs bark when they feel threatened (“Characteristics of Dogs,” 1991). Reference: Characteristics of dogs in their natural habitats. (2005, July 13). New York Times, p. B13. One author: (Author, year, pp.) Citation: The author found that cars go fast (Smith, 2000, p. 123). Smith (2000, p. 123) found that cars go fast. Reference: Smith, A. (2000). Cars go fast. New York, NY: Good Publishing, Inc. Two authors: (Author1 & Author2, year, pp.) Citation: The study found that dogs bark (Smith & Jones, 2005). Smith and Jones (2005) found that dogs bark. Reference: Smith, B. B., & Jones, B. B. (2005). Noises that animals make in their natural habitats. Journal of Animal Science, 4(2), 15-27. Three – five authors: First cite: (Author1, Author2, & Author3, year, pp.) Next cite: (Author1 et al., year, pp.) Citation: The authors found that cars go fast (Smith, Jones, & Rogers, 2000, p. 123). The authors found that cars go fast (Smith et al., 2000, p. 123). Smith, Jones, and Rogers (2000, p. 123) found that cars go fast. Smith et al. (2000, p. 123) found that cars go fast. Reference: Smith, A., Jones, A., & Rogers, A. (2000). Cars go fast. New York, NY:...
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...or group on a task to achieve the same goal. Some ways collaboration can add value in a learning environment are by giving students a different perspective on the topic they are working on. Collaboration can help students learn to cooperate effectively in a group setting and can teach them the social skills they will need to be successful in everyday life. There are many factors that take part in collaboration, such as personal responsibility, difference in attitudes and difference learning styles. Personal responsibility can influence the work and success of a group if a group member does not take accountability for his or her work. If one or more group members are not taking accountability they will not put in the same amount of effort as someone who does have personal responsibility. This can cause a lot of frustration and tension among the group which will negatively affect the outcome of the project. When working with a group there are going to be different attitudes and learning styles among the team mates. A few communication strategies that can be used when collaborating are; making sure everyone is heard, voicing the importance of achieving goals on time and using a variety of ways to complete the project so that everyone has an equal learning opportunity. Some strategies that can be used to enhance team performance are setting clear timelines for when things are expected to be completed, being flexible when you need to be, making sure to listen to other people’s ideas...
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...include: ● Health claims/how it works ● Requirements of the diet (what foods to eat/not eat, calories, etc) ● Pros and Cons - Do you think people can lose weight on this diet? - Is it a practical diet? Why or why not? - What are the potential problems associated with this diet? - Any interesting facts/thoughts you would like to mention Please find a minimum of 2 reliable (where applicable) sources from medical sources or sites that have credentialed authors. Wikipedia is not a reliable source but may be a good place to find key words and other sources to investigate. Some diets do NOT have professional/medically-backed sites. Do the best that you can- I know which ones they are! Sources should be cited by the APA format (see attached examples). Print a copy of your summary and source list to hand in to the instructor at the BEGINNING of class on the due date. Print another copy for you to reference as you tell the class about the diet you researched. Be prepared to answer questions. Your heading at the top of your paper should look like this... NAME DATE/ TIME Begin typing your fad diet information here.... Alexandria Lewis 8.29.15/ 11:00 Class Tapeworm Diet How It Works How would you like to ingest a tapeworm? By eating raw meat or, swallowing a pill? Neither way sounds very exciting, but some people actually do this to lose a little bit of weight! It is said that tapeworms reduce the calories that you absorb without taking any...
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...APA Style The main scholarly association for academic psychologists in the United States, the American Psychological Association (APA) has developed standardized methods for citing print and electronic sources used in research. Below are instructions according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition) and http://www.apastyle.org/. Instructions Alphabetize each entry in a works cited list by the first letter, ignoring the articles A, An, and The. Indent subsequent lines of entries one-half inch. Names: Use initials for first and middle names. Titles: For articles, chapters and books, capitalize only the first word of the title and subtitle and proper nouns. Fully capitalize periodical titles. Dates: Publication dates use the order year, month day. The access date uses the order month day year. If no publication date is available, use "n.d." in place of date. The following examples are citations from EBSCO databases. If you cannot find some of this information, cite what is available. Different styles may apply when citing print and other sources. Journal Article Pattern: [Author last name], [First initial]. [Middle initial]. ([Publication year]). [Title of article]. [Title of journal], [Volume number]([Issue number]), [Page number starts]-[ends]. [Document Object Identifier] Example: Silva, L. (2007). Epistemological and theoretical challenges for studying power and politics in information systems. Information Systems Journal...
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...[pic] [pic]APA style From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search |[pic] |This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. Please improve this article if you can. The talk page may | | |contain suggestions. (November 2010) | | | |Style guides | |ACS Style Guide | |AMA Manual of Style | |The Associated Press Stylebook | |The Chicago Manual of Style | |Turabian | |The Elements of Style | |The Elements of Typographic Style | |ISO 690 | |MHRA Style Guide | |MLA Handbook | |MLA Style Manual | |The New York Times Manual | |The Oxford Guide to Style/New Hart's...
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...more . . . Getting Started with APA Citation Style What is APA Style? American Psychological Association (APA) style is one of several styles for academic writing. This guide covers frequently used citation forms. The sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (BF 76.7 .P83 2010) is a comprehensive resource, available at most UBC Libraries. General Rules • Formatting: The preferred APA font is a serif typeface such as Times New Roman with 12-point size. Double- space between all lines of text, including the reference list. Have uniform margins of at least 1 in. (2.54 cm) on all sides. • Hanging indents should be used for the reference list entries. This means that all lines after the first line of each entry should be indented one half inch from the left margin (in Word 2007 use Paragraph>Special>Hanging). • Arrange reference list entries in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author or by title if there is no author. Use only the initial(s) of the author's given name, not the full name, with a space between the initials. • If the reference list includes two or more entries by the same author(s), list them in chronological order (oldest first). Add a lower case letter (a, b, etc.) after the year, within the parentheses. • Capitalize only the first letter of the first word in the article or book title. Proper nouns are also capitalized as well as the word following a colon (subtitle). Journal titles should have every...
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...APA style is a set of rules that authors use when submitting papers for publications in the journals of APA. Standards includes a list of references in A-Z order, referenced authors, italicized titles, title of books, in-text citations in parenthesis, page numbers, centered title, double-spaced foot/end notes and DeCleene states "Reverted to requiring writers to put two spaces between sentences"(91) . MLA style is the leading style of documentation for literary research and Higley states MLA "Favored by those in liberal arts and humanities" (5). Standards include a works cited page, centered titles, referenced authors, in-text citations in parenthesis (last name/pg. number), double-spaced lines and footnotes. Both APA and MLA include author's...
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...Guidelines to APA Style Paper Writing The American Psychological Association publication manual started out as an article in 1929. Since then it has been sculpted to advance scholarship through setting standards for scientific communication. The creators managed to establish a style of writing that would uniform the many components of scientific writing to increase reading comprehension. Since then the APA style has grown from a simple set of style rules to an authoritative source on all aspects of scholarly writing. The rules are drawn from a vast amount of psychological literature. The sixth edition was the most recently published APA manual, it is a condensed manual of over 30 years of editing and adding rules to continue the advancement of scholarship. This paper will discuss the information found between two YouTube videos explaining the setup of APA style. Page Settings Before beginning a paper in APA style, it is best to insure all page settings are correct. Selecting you margins always a good place to start, according to the manual the margins must be 1-inch margins. This is the normal setting in the margins section of Microsoft Word (Taylor, 2009). Now you want to make sure your font is setup properly; the font should be Times New...
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