Premium Essay



Submitted By tafadzwa
Words 1435
Pages 6
We often need to know something about a large population. Eg: What is the average number of hours per week devoted to online social networking for all US residents? It’s often infeasible to examine the entire population. Instead, choose a small random sample and use the methods of statistical inference to draw conclusions about the population. But how can any small sample be completely representative?

We can’t act as if statistics based on small samples are exactly representative of the entire population. Why not just use the sample mean x in place of μ? For example, suppose that the average hours for 100 randomlyselected US residents was x = 6.34. Can we conclude that the average hours for all US residents (μ) is 6.34? Can we conclude that μ > 6? Fortunately, we can use probability theory to understand how the process of taking a random sample will blur the information in a population. But first, we need to understand why and how the information is blurred.

Sampling Variability
Although the average social networking hours for all US residents is a fixed number, the average of a sample of 100 residents depends on precisely which sample is taken. In other words, the sample mean is subject to “sampling variability”. The problem is that by reporting x alone, we don’t take account of the variability caused by the sampling procedure. If we had polled different residents, we might have gotten a different average social networking hours. In general, the characteristics of the observed distribution (mean, median, variance, range, IQR, etc.), change from sample to sample, and may never exactly match the population quantities. To visualize properties of sampling distributions, we will use the sampling lab, and the very nice website at:

Statistical Inference: A body of

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