Premium Essay

Monopoly Power


Submitted By ansea020
Words 1008
Pages 5
Monopoly is a market structure wheein only one firm produces all output in the industry. However, in the UK, a firm with at least 25% of the market share can already be considered as a monopolist.
Arguably, monopoly can lead to market failure in many ways, particularly lack of competiton. Referring to the graph, they become productively inefficient by using its market power to may restrict their supply (Q1 to Q2) in order to increase prices (P1 to P2). For instance, during Christmas season, larger firms can lower their supply available to create a hype or idea that a certain toy is a "must-have" that people are prepared to buy for. (Extract D, Line 10). They also become allocatively inefficient with higher prices meaning that consumers' needs and wants are not being satisfed as the productare being under-consumed. With lacking competitors, there are no substitutes which means consumers are unable to switch to alternatives if they wanted to and therefore, resources as not allocated according to their wants. Therefore, consumer welfare decreases as less people are able to buy it and more people would have enjoyed the good at a lower price under competitive conditions. Without intervention, monopoly power would continue to grow and maintain over their market by putting higher barriers to entry such as legal barriers(e.g. patents and copyrights), high sunk costs, capital costs, loyalty schemes and scale economies in order to drive out potential competitors and new entrants. However, there are also growing factors which hinders its growth such as technological advances. Internet trading was estimated in 2006 to be growing at 40% per annum. (Extract E, Line 1) People can now buy and sell through sites like eBay, reducing barriers to entry into the market such as high set-up costs and marketing economies previously only available to large firms. Therefore, making the

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