Premium Essay

Monster Poem


Submitted By annieann1220
Words 717
Pages 3
He comes at me like he hasn’t eaten for years
Making me sweating like it’s raining
My clothes are all screaming “no!”…
My skin is all red
I rub my eyes thinking the blurriness in front of me is because of my vision
Oh no! It’s the heat waves
Blocking my view with little squiggly lines in the air
Making everything distorted…
And I trace back to this ancient myth
The story begins with this crazy little town
With many gods governing the Earth
This god, Humacus has a son
Who thinks that his life is boring as hell
That he needs to play a trick on the people
One day he decide to play a not-so-fun trick on the people
So he turns himself into a sun
Rising with the sun at the same time
So there are two suns in the sky that day
People are all sweating balls over the deadly weather
The humid weather haunts the people like no other
They can’t work their ass off for money as they used to (not to mention the partying)
They had no food and their stomachs are growling like crazy
Can you imagine the life without food and crops
That’s not the life worth living
So they prayed to their so-called god
The gods do not respond

They scream and shout everyday on top of their lungs

The sun continues to give people bad bad droughts
With no food to fill their stomachs
God knows how they lived
Without water and food
But they don’t know what to do
The so-called god heard their prayers
And sends a man called Ceres
Man, this Ceres,
He is famous for shooting around and shit with his archery bow
He does nothing but shoots around with his bow all day
It’s no doubt that his shooting ability is good
The sun continues to give people bad bad droughts
With no food to fill their stomachs
God knows how they lived
Without water and food
But they know what to do
This Ceres, try to be cool and all
Talks to the other sun
Hoping to settle this

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