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Moral Exemplar Blog


Submitted By sharan4015
Words 418
Pages 2
Upon watching the videos, I was shocked and disgusted to find out BBB was engaging in such highly unethical practices. Consumers are being duped with false information. The fact that companies have to buy ratings to sustain their positive image is a sham. Ratings were being given out without any proper verification. Even Hamas and a neo Nazi group have an A rating. It underlines the fact that the rating agencies these days can stoop to such low levels to make money. It also underscores the fact that ethical business practices can needed more than ever before. Assuming that the President and CEO Stephen A. Cox wants to change the business practices of BBB for good, the following are the key virtues that he will have to follow:
1. Be congruent: Mr. Cox must ensure that the principles on which BBB was first established be strictly followed. Saying one thing and doing the other will not be acceptable. The actions of BBB must align with its values and ideals. Mr.Cox must ensure that ethical practices are followed at all times
2. Be transparent: Being transparent helps a long way in building consumer trust. Mr. Cox must hire an industry watchdog to audit its business practices. All company business practices should be made easily available for consumers to see. The integrity and credibility of BBB will be greatly improved if it resorts to transparent practices
3. Be accountable: People love passing the blame onto others. The senior executives at BBB must be made accountable. If there had been a mistake, then own it and list out corrective measures. Being accountable helps Mr. Cox answer any sort of negative criticism directed against BBB and helps reassure consumers about its business practices
4. Identify your private agenda: Mr.Cox must be clear on the nature of BBB at large. Whether it’s a nonprofit ratings agency or for profit business. The fact that senior

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