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Morals and Ethics in Cartoons


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Week 07 Written Assignment – Morals and Ethics in Cartoons

Michael Lenz

Rasmussen College

G332/MMC3407 Section 03 Visual Communication in the Media - 2013 Summer Quarter

Todd Woods

August 17, 2013

Week 07 Written Assignment – Morals and Ethics in Cartoons

My morals and ethics in Cartoons example is a comic strip I found on This comic strip details the dilemma of the character Dilbert trying to access a website that the security department at his workplace has placed a block on. Dilbert is in need of accessing this site for a business reason. Dilbert visits the Security department at his workplace to have them unblock this website for him, so that he can access for a business reason. The security guy says websites can only be unlocked if the Director of Human Resources sends written approval. The Director of Human Resources states that he can only make recommendations to the CIO (Chief Information Officer). The CIO yells at Dilbert for bothering him for this issue, and tells him to go back to his hole and think about the career mistake that he made. The last section at the meeting with his department, Dilbert asks if they can skip what they accomplished this week.

The dilemma that Dilbert is struggling with is very obvious, as he tries to get to a site to help with his work, and spends a lot of time going through channels only to get shot down, talked down to, and basically told he just made the biggest mistake of his career.

Dilbert’s dilemma was never resolved; the website he needed unblocked is still blocked and now is worried about his career going forward. This is a very accurate portrayal of modern life within the corporate world. This happens at my work on a daily basis, the run around that goes on with trying to get approval for certain projects or answers. The process at my work is changing for the better though, as we have implemented a Change team, where all the changes that need to get done do through this group, and then they follow up on the approvals. This helps with developers or engineers continuing to work on their projects and other jobs they are required to do, and allow the Change team to do all the back work on the answer they need approval for.

Adams, S. (2013, July 14). Strips. Retrieved August 17, 2013, from Dilbert website:

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