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Moserbaer Photovoltaic


Submitted By ashmoho
Words 5094
Pages 21
Study of the thin films technology and using it as a differentiator for positioning it in the international markets

SIP Project Report Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the PGDM Program

Submitted by
Name: Ashish Mohan Srivastava
Roll number: 2010268

Supervisors: 1. Mr. Raj Kumar Verma
Assistant Manager (Projects and Services)
Moserbaer Photovoltaic India Ltd.
2. Professor J.Mohanty

Institute Of Management Technology, Nagpur


It gives me a great sense of pleasure to present the report after undergoing an intense summer internship at Moserbaer’s Photo Voltaic wing. It is really difficult to gratify each and every person who has been instrumental in the completion of the project but I am taking great care that no one is left out.
So in the same sequence at very first, I would like to acknowledge my parents because of whom I got the existence in the world for the inception and the conception of this project. Later on I would like to confer my acknowledgement to Mr. J.Mohanty my faculty guide and other faculty members who taught me how to do project through appropriate tools and techniques. Because Moserbaer India Ltd. has trusted me and given me a chance to do my integrated research study, I would like to give thanks to the organization and especially to Mr. Raj Kumar Verma (Asst. Manager, Projects and Services) my corporate mentor and Mr. Sanjeev Kumar (Research Scientist) from the depth of my heart.
I would also like to thank Mr. Rakesh Singh (GM- projects) of Moserbaer Photovoltaic without his sincere efforts I would not have been able to get into this esteemed organization. Rest all those people who helped me are not only matter of acknowledgment but also authorized for sharing my success.


TABLE OF CONTENTS: Executive Summary

▪ Scope of project

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