...MOTHERBOARDS * Most important consideration is the motherboard or CPU. * The motherboard dictates what type of CPU you must buy. * The size and shape of the motherboard or CPU are determined by the form factor. 3 factors that are of primary interest today: * ATX which replaced the old AT factors * Its smaller * Better organization * Easier to work on * Support for a wide variety of I/O devices. * It gets its power supply from what is known as a P1. * It supports the 20 and 24 pin power connectors. * It has a soft power switch which is in front of the computer which doesn’t let the computer cut power instantly and allows normal OS shutdown process. * The power switch on the back kills power immediately. Wake on LAN feature: * Configured in CMOS * Any keyboard or network activity while the computer is in standby will repower the system. BTX form factor: * Has a 20-24 pin P1 power connection. * Better airflow for better cooling. * CPU heat sink fins and memory modules are installed parallel so they don’t block airflow. NLX form factor: * Supports riser cards * Riser cards are also known as daughter boards. Communication busses: * Appear as copper tracings. * Connects components * Allows delivery of power and data. * The system bus is the fastest and connects motherboard to CPU. Expansion Slots: * 8 bit ISA which was used in early computers * 16 bit was the next generation...
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...James Mason 4/13/15 NT1110 In the article about motherboards, there was a wide variety of topics covered. There was a brief history of the motherboard, as well as history on most all of pieces of hardware that is used on a motherboard. Also covered were some of the latest pieces of hardware, including some different terminology which relates specifically to them, differentiating them from older versions just by title. Lastly, and possibly most importantly, along with each topic was an explanation of what it does and how specifically it functions in regards to the other hardware of a motherboard. Some important topics covered were: • The importance of choosing a motherboard with an optimally matched chipset based on a desired CPU. • The importance of RAM and how it ultimately affects the overall speed of a CPU and chipset. • The importance choosing a proper video card or sound card depending on the use of the computer. • Bus speed is another important factor in computer speed, in particular, Front Side Bus, or FSB. Some important terms covered were: • Central Processing Units, or CPU’s, which is like the brain with the chipset being like the central nervous system, sending and receiving the information. • Peripheral Connections, or PCI, as well as the newer express version, PCIe, for things such as video or network adapters • Accelerated Graphics Port, or AGP, which is used solely for video cards. • Integrated Drive Electronics, or IDE, is how hard drives interface...
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...Video 1.04 Motherboards The motherboard determines what CPU you must buy and vice versa. There are 3 form factors of primary interest today, the ATX, the BTX, and the NLX. The ATX replace the older AT models. By making it smaller it made it easy to work on it. The ATX also has a soft power button on the front and when pressed while operating the computer it will not completely cut off until it does the OS shutdown process. There is also a power switch on the back that kills the power immediately. If you have the Wake on LAN configured to the CMOS, keyboard activity, or network activity, while the system is in standby it will repower the system. Buses are a communication system that transfers data between components inside a computer. • ATX Form Factor o Replaced older AT form factors o Smaller o Better Organized o Easier to work on o Support for wide variety of I/O device o Soft Power Button Soft Power Button Does not immediately cut power Allows normal OS shutdown process o Wake On LAN Configured in CMOS Keyboard activity Network activity • BTX Form Factor o 20 or 24-pin P1 power connection o Better air flow for better cooling Intake vent at front Exhaust vent in back CPU heat sink fins and memory modules installed parallel to air flow • NLX Form Factor o Supports riser cards Fit into expansion slots Provide connectors for additional expansion cards Also known as daughter boards • Communication Buses o Buses Appear as copper...
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...Motherboard Answer the following questions 5 April 2015 Tanweer Haroon DeJong May The major components of the motherboard are as follows: memory and their slots which is the computer’s memory (RAM) and is one of the most important parts of the system board. The number of chips depends on the type of computer and its capacity. Expansion cards are a typical component of non-integrated system boards a graphic card is a perfect example, but this can be integrated into the motherboard. CPU and slots is the central processing unit and it’s a highly prolific part of the computer and is located on the right of a motherboard and can be identified as a result of the heat sink or cooling fan directly on it. BIOS chip directs the CPU with respect to how it relates with other parts of the computer. Its basic input and output system chip or integrated circuit is fixed on the board and is easily identifiable. CMOS battery, the complementary metal oxide semiconductor is a small battery on the system board that powers the CMOS memory. Power supply and connectors is the electrical unit of the system and if it’s bad the system will not work. Keyboard connector are located on the motherboard and there are two main types. The AT has a round connecting interface into the motherboard and the PS/2 connector is rectangular in shape and smaller. Modern motherboards come with both. Mouse connector its connecting port is located on the motherboard and its interface is usually round. Floppy...
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...Instructions on replacing motherboard If you are replacing the motherboard with the same model, you should not have to reload the chipset or have to re-install the operating system. This is not always the case but normally it is. If you have access to your personal data, you may want to back it up before replacing the motherboard just to be safe. If you are replacing the motherboard with a different model, then the chances are good that you will have to reload windows. You might be able to install just the chipset and be OK but if that doesn't work, then a re-install is needed. Below is instructions on replacing a motherboard. This is general instructions. Due to the numerous variations of computers, I am not able to go into detail but can give general instructions. For more specific instructions, consult the manufacturer of your computer. NOTE: Most if all cables and connections are easy to determine where they go. Most cables will only plug into one location only so there is no confusion where they plug in at. Also most connections are keyed so they will only go in one direction so you can't accidentally reverse them. However there are a few motherboards that uses cables that you may not be able to determine which one goes where. Before removing cables, check to see if there is more than one location that cable can plug into. You can also do the following to make sure you don't plug it in the wrong place. 1. Draw a diagram of the motherboard. 2. On the diagram...
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...computer you must decide between the motherboard or cpu first. Not all motherboards will fit in all cases. There are a few motherboard form fators ATX, BTX, and NTX. The ATX motherboard feature standard locations for the keyboard, mouse, I/O, and video connectors. Some design improvements of the ATX are a single 20-pin connector for the power supply. The BTX was developed to take advantage of the serial ATA, USB 2.0, and PCI express. Some changes for the BTX are better component placement for the back panel I/O controllers and its smaller than the ATX form Factor. The NLX is used on low end computers and supports riser cards. Also provides more flecibilty for system level designs. * Wake on LAN – keyboard or network activity * Power switch – Immediately kills all power * Communication Buses Expansion Slots * Buses – copper tracing, connect various components, allow delivery of power and date * System Bus – Largest bus, Fastest Bus, Connects motherboard to CPU * Connectors – P1 power, 40-pin IDE, 34-pin floppy drive, SATA, 50 or 68 Pin SCSI * Expansion Slots * 8-bit ISA – Used in early computers, Two lane dirt road * 16-bit ISA – Next Generation * MCA * EISA * Vesa Local Bus * PCI – Fast (White and Longer) * PCIx – Faster * PCIe(express) – Fastest, expected to replace AGP * AGP- High Speed alternative to PCI, Used for video (Brown and shorter) Motherboard Form Factor * ATX – Smaller...
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...Motherboard Replacement Process IT280 January 15, 2012 In the following paragraphs, you will learn how to remove and replace a motherboard. It can be a simple process if all the steps are followed completely. These steps will allow a computer techie to “do it yourself” since these are simple and easy steps. The first step of replacing a motherboard is to remove the old motherboard. You will then need to remove all connectors to the rest of the components for easy access of removing the old motherboard and not damaging the new one. Next, unplug the power supply and the data cable from the hard drives. Remove the PCI adapters and the video card. All of the adapters that mount in motherboard slots are secured to the back rail of the case with a single screw. You may as well take all the screws out at the same time and put them aside in a glass jar or any other small container to keep them from getting lost. Then remove the data cables from the old motherboard. Lastly, remove the small screws that are keeping the motherboard attached to the case. To easily install the new motherboard, you will need to make sure the I/O cover matches the new motherboard. If not, use the new one that came with the motherboard and punch out the correct ports and then install it in the case. Make sure that the motherboard and the holes match up with the case before screwing the cover into place. Then install the motherboard at an angle with the I/O core first making sure everything will line...
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...Exploring the Motherboard and Busses Short Answer 7/29/15 Mr. Lanning Gene Jackson II The components of a motherboard are the cpu, bios, mass storage interfaces, serial and parallel ports, expansion slot and controllers for peripherals. The CPU controls the operations of the hardware and software. BIOS (basic input/output system) is software that controls basic computer hardware functions. Mass storage are things such as the RAM which temporarily stores files while the computer is functioning. The serial and parallel ports allow SETA and other connections to be hooked up to the motherboard. Expansion slots are for video cards and other such hardware that will increase your motherboards value and the controllers are for things such as keyboards or mouses. The improvement upon upgrading the motherboard would be limited because the motherboard is what holds the most important pieces of the computer together and doesn’t have much more significance other than that. It is more of a highway between all of the other functioning pieces. The buses communicate with the CPU and other devices in the computer. One set of buses connects the CPU to RAM and external caches. Another set of buses connects a large number of different I/O devices. These functions cannot be performed on a single bus because there are too many different functions to be performed. It would be a mess and confusing and could result in a overload on the bus components. 32 bit busses may still be necessary even...
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...Assignment – Motherboards and Busses 1. The improvement of the motherboard will be limited because of compatibility issue with other hardware. Other devices run at a different speed and have different processing requirement, for example the memory and hard drive; without upgrading these components too will limit the performance of the motherboard. 2. There is a need for the different busses to be on the motherboard for free flow of information processing by way of obtaining different sets of instructions. 3. A 64-bit OS has a higher functionality than a 32-bit, a 32-bit will be needed because of the backward compatibilities of the 64-bit. 4. The following requirements must and can be considered when building a PC: * DO NOT plug anything in unless the computer is fully turned off. * DO NOT install anything unless you are grounded through a wrist strap * DO NOT over-tighten or strip any screws. * Never force anything. If it does not fit or plug in then figure out why. * Wear surgical gloves while putting the PC together Next Choose your components. You will need a: Motherboard CPU Memory Hard drive CPU Cooler Graphics card. Power Supply Unit. The motherboard should be compatible with any CPU you choose. I recommend gigabyte motherboards. Choose the CPU first, and then pick a motherboard it will work with. After you got that selected you will need to find memory. You can choose memory by the motherboard model you have...
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...EXPLORING THE MOTHERBOARD AND BUSSES/ MODULE-3/TANWEER HAROON/ROLAND DAVIS/6-22-2016 The major components of the computers motherboard are The Processor, The memory, The Expansion Slots and the IO Bank. The Processor is the brain of the computer, it’s where all the computing is done, it’s a small chip that resides in computers and its job is to input and provide output. The processor handles all the basic system instructions, such as the processing mouse, the keyboard, input and the running applications. The memory is the internal storage areas in the computers storage. Its device is used to store information for the immediate use in the computer. Computer memory operates at a high speed. The Chipset is a set of electronic in an integrated circuit that manages the data between the processor, the memory and the peripherals. The chipset is found on the computers motherboard where it’s designed to work with a specific family of microprocessors and because of it’s controlled communications between the processors and external devices. The chipset plays a crucial role in determining system performance. The Expansion slot is a socket on the motherboard that is used to insert an expansion card or circuit board that provides an additional feature to a computers such as advance graphics, sound, Ethernet, memory and video. Expansion packs are also referred to as a bus slot. Expansion slots for pc’s come in different sizes and that’s half and full size. The IO is the input and output...
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... and upgrade. * It became popular due to its significantly smaller size. 3. ATX * Intel 1996 * ATX was developed as an evolution of the Baby AT form factor and was defined to address four areas of improvement: enhanced ease of use, better support for current and future I/O, better support for current and future processor technology, and reduced total system cost. * It is the most popular form factor for commodity motherboards. Typical size is 9.6 × 12 in although some companies extend that to 10 × 12 in. Conclusion: 4. Mini-ATX This form factor is basically the same as ATX with a smaller allowable board size. * Mini-ATX = 11.2" x 8.2" * AOpen 2005 * Mini-ATX motherboards were designed with MoDT (Mobile on Desktop Technology) which adapt mobile CPUs for lower power requirements and less heat generation, which may be beneficial for home theater PCs (HTPC), in-car PCs, or industrial use. Conclusion: 5. HPTX * EVGA 2008 * A large design by EVGA currently featured on two motherboards; the eVGA SR2 and SRX. Intended for use with multiple CPUs. Cases require 9 expansion slots to contain this...
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...What is a Motherboard? The Motherboard is the main circuit board inside the PC. It holds the CPU and memory, provides expansion slots for peripherals, and, whether directly or indirectly, connects to every part of the PC. The essential motherboard make-up includes the chipset (known as the “glue logic”), some code in ROM and the various wired interconnections between the components know as buses. The chipset is fundamental, and controls how the motherboard interacts with everything else in the system. A good chipset can be more important than the power of CPU or the amount of RAM. The ROM code includes the BIOS, which has user-changeable options for how the motherboard operates with integral and connected devices. The buses are the electrical wires that connect everything together. Motherboard designs use many different buses to link their various components. For instance, wide, high-speed buses are difficult and expensive to produce. The signals travel at such a rate that even distances of just a few centimetres cause timing problems, while the metal tracks on the circuit board act as miniature radio antennae, transmitting electromagnetic noise that introduces interference with signals elsewhere in the system. For these reasons, design engineers try to keep the fastest buses confined to the smallest area of the motherboard and use slower, more robust buses for other parts. Types of Slots on a Motherboard Motherboards are the backbone of a computer, holding different...
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...logic motherboards and busses week 4 Tuesday class 10-8-2013 unit 4 The title of the videos I watched were: An overview of motherboard types and also the video motherboard expansion slots and bus speeds. The two videos covered expansion slots the setup of a motherboard as well as bus speeds. The types of typical motherboards are standard atx and micro atx there is also mini itx nano itx and pico itx these last three are smaller to fit in smaller computers. They are mainly the same having similar power as well as similar mounting but have less expansion slots then the atx versions. Atx stands for Advanced technology extended and was standerized by intel in 1995 and can added and removed as needed. Atx boards are powered by a 20 or 24 pin connector. There are over 40 different types of motherboards but these are the most common now days. Expansion gets its on clock one MHz is equal to one million cycles per second one GHz is 1000 MHz. clock speed does not necessarily equal transfer rate. Throughput varies by bus verions 133 MB/s is 32 bit at 33MHz 266 MB/s is 32 bit at 66MHz or 64 bit at 33MHz and 533 MB/s is 64 bit at 66 MHz. These videos taught me a lot as I did not know any of this info. The videos taught me that although the cpu does most of the processing the motherboard handls thing such as memory espansion slots for grap hics video and so forth. What I have found confusing is why do they make different motherboards that...
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...Jasmin Kenjar NT1110 MODULE 3 SHORT ANSWER 3.1 The major components of the motherboard are the system bus and the I/O bus, the chipset, the form factors (intergrated I/O ports and memory slots), expansion slots, and memory storage interfaces. (1) The system bus controls the signals for data, power, control and addresses. (2) The I/O bus connects the storage devices to the system bus. (3) The chipset incorporates all the controllers on the motherboard. (4) The form factor is the layout of the computer’s motherboard.Intergrated I/O ports allows us to connect input/output devices such as keyboards. Memory slots contain the memory module which the system can’t function without. (5) Expansion slots: a. A PCI slot is used for many types of add on cards b. AGP is used for high speed video graphics. c. PCIe sends information faster than the PCI and AGP. d. AMR: Enables motherboard designers to place analog modem and audio connectors and the codec chip used to translate between analog and digital signals on a smaller riser card. e. CNR: A longer design that can support up to 6 channel audio, S/PDIF digital audio, and home networking functions. (6) The attachment point for mass storage devices is a mass storage interface. If you upgrade the motherboard you will only get some performance improvement to a computer system because the computer depends on more than the motherboard. Every bus in the motherboard has a specific function. These buses cannot be replaced with just a single...
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...and Logic Module 3 Short Answer Exploring Motherboard and Busses October 7, 2015 Exploring the Motherboard and Busses The motherboard represents the logical foundation of the computer. Everything that makes a computer must be attached to the motherboard. Answer the following questions: • What are the major components of the motherboard? Provide a brief description of each component. • Upgrading only the motherboard will give some performance improvement to a computer system. Why would the improvement be limited? • What is the need for all the different busses found on a motherboard? Why can these busses not be replaced with a single bus? • With 64-bit busses available, why should 32-bit busses be provided as well? The motherboard of a computer is also known as the System Board. The circuit board is the platform on which all the hardware of the computer is connected. It is said to be the most important part of the computer. The expansion cards, and slots, BIOS chip, CMOS battery, jumpers and DIP switches, heat sink, PCI, Power connector, on board disk drive connectors, memory slots, keyboard connectors, Peripheral ports and connectors are all the things that one may find on the motherboard. The expansion cards are a typical part of nonintegrated system board. An example of this is a graphic card. Memory slots are one of the most important part of the system board. The number of memory chips on a motherboard depends on the type of CPU and its capacity. The...
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