...happier, more efficient and easier to retain (Levoy, 2007, p. 70). Managers are also tasked with motivating a wide range of skilled employees (Thompson, Buchbinder & Shanks, 2012). In order to successfully motivate employees, the manager must be able to employ motivation methods (Levoy, 2007, p. 118). Luckily, we are presented with motivational methods to assist with this task. An incorrect presumption about the staff’s motivations can prove ineffective (Thompson, Buchbinder & Shanks, 2012). Motivation is a function of internal factors, external factors and the needs of the staff members (Thompson, Buchbinder & Shanks, 2012). When using an intrinsic reward, it can be as simple as including the employee in a decision making discussion. A cash bonus for job performance would be an example of an extrinsic reward. By promoting an employee, the manager will meet their self-actualization need (Thompson, Buchbinder & Shanks, 2012). Skinner, Maslow and Herzberg are just a few theorists who have provided the management with theories that can be used to motivate employees. In order for a manager to be successful, they must use one or more of these motivation methods and theories. A motivational method a manager might use in the workplace is creating an effective recognition program. Recognition is when an employee is given acknowledgement for doing a good job and going above and beyond what is asked of them. An employee will most likely want to do their job and do...
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...Motivational Methods Jennifer Dobelstien Phoenix of Arizona In my organization, the department has to be downsized because it is too large. With the new changes that are going to take place; some motivational techniques need to be implemented to help with the new changes. Understanding different methods will ensure that our organization has the top notch of motivational skills needed to get the job done and everything running smoothly. As the manager of this organization, it is my responsibility to figure out which three motivational methods would work best for the company and figure out what theoretical concepts support the points that I am going to make through my readings. There are many motivational methods to use on employees in a workplace but I am going to mention about three good ones that I would use in an organization that is implementing change. As a manager, they should not use the same motivational techniques repeatedly on the same person. Always using different methods every time is more of a motivational challenge than using the same ones. A manager should get to know their employees and figure out which employees like what and what kind of position the employee is in first off before a manager starts using methods on an employee. “Money is a great motivator, but unfortunately there are but so many raises a manager can offer an employee.” (Meeks, 1999-2012). The three motivational methods I would use is setting a good example...
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...Motivational Method Motivation is the key element in a workplace and it is extremely important to know the theories, methods, and applications associated with motivation. Motivation is a necessary skill for future managers and leaders as it is used to motivate employees to work more efficiently. Researching the different motivation methods has brought the realization of just how important motivation is in the workplace. For most managers, motivating their employees is a key issue. In today’s work force, managers are inclined to pay special attention to their employees. They also pay attention to motivates them to perform at a higher level. Not every individual works in the same manner or needs the same motivation. This paper will look at the different characteristics of professional workers and lower-level contingent workers. Also addressed in this paper will be the different motivational approaches that are used by managers today towards these two groups. Finally, by applying a set of motivational theories, this paper will attempt to explain why managers should apply different methods to each of these groups. There are many questions facing managers about motivation; questions such as how does motivation work, when to apply motivation, and whom to apply motivation techniques to. Motivation reflects how innovative and productive jobs are achieved within work organizations. Because motivation influences productivity, supervisors need to understand what motivates employees...
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...Motivational Methods HCS/325 July 28, 2011 Motivational Methods Motivation can be defined in several ways. Motivation is an internal energy which helps a person accomplishes a goal. It is the key factor of an organization. In order for an organization to achieve a higher level of productivity, managers play an essential role to his or her employee’s motivation. The three motivational methods that can be used within an organization are: equity theory, expectancy theory, and goal setting. Within any organization different employees need to have different motivational methods. Employee motivational methods can be either positive or negative. Most theories of employee motivation are rewarding employees that meet the standards to set new goals for achievement. In today’s society motivation starts with management and is the key job for management. If a manager of an organization is not motivated that attitude can spread to his or her employees. Managers of an organization have a challenge when it comes to motivating people. “Motivation encompasses the psychological forces within a person that determine the direction of the person’s behavior in an organization, the person’s level of effort, and the person’s level of persistence in the face of obstacles” (Consador, 1999). An organization must make use of all assets including, the members of its staff. Therefore, managers need to make sure his or her employees are motivated, and that he or she has a positive mind set so that he...
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...Motivational Methods HCS 325 March 4, 2012 When changes are implemented within an organization, this can cause difficult times. However, finding motivational methods that will work on the employees can be just as hard. When he or she has found a motivational method that works on some of the employees, this does not mean it will work on them. There are three different patterns of behavior that individual’s motivation comes from. These are individual: satisfying his or her own need, competitive: trying to prove he or she is better than the person he or she thinks is an opponent, or cooperative: tries to achieve a goal for the group or team (McConnell, 2005). The way that a manager can figure out what behavior pattern an employee has is by listening to him or her, observing his or her work performance, and asking the employee questions (McNamara, n.d.). There are many motivational methods that a manager can use but in this paper we will discuss three methods: employee recognition, training, and monetary rewards and incentives. Employee Recognition The first method to motivating employees is employee recognition. When employees are putting his or her all into their work, they need to be recognized in some way. If the employee does not see that his or her work is recognized, he or she will not try as hard the next time around. A way to show an employee that he or she appreciates all of his or her hard work would be by buying him or her lunch, starting an employee of the...
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...Motivational Methods Motivation is the impact or drive that causes us to behave in a specific manner and has been described as consisting of energy, direction, and sustainability (Gilley & McMillian, 2008). In an organization, a manager needs to have the ability to persuade and influence others to work in a common direction that reflects their talent to motivate (Gilley & McMillian, 2008). As manager of the Emergency department, upper management at Sutter Health has informed me that our Emergency unit will need to downsize, and in order to prepare for this downsize, I will address the three motivational methods that managers use to motivate their employee and how this change can affect Sutter Health In any organization, making changes within the workplace can be challenging. Finding ways to motivate employees can be hard and some motivation methods can work for some people and others, it might not work at all. Mangers need to find different methods that would work will for their staff in assisting them in adapting to different changes. It is important for managers to really understand what type of motivational technique they should use for each staff members (Kamery, 2004). As the manager for the emergency department, the three motivational methods that should be used for the emergency department are to provide advancement opportunities, recognition, and a sense of achievement (Lombardi & Schermerhorn, 2007). Because of the downsizing of the department, providing...
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...Motivational Methods HCS/325 Health Care Management Hanna Matayaho August 22, 201 Motivation is a key element in the workplace and it is very important to know the basic theories methods and application because it is something that unavoidable all for us will come up within our working environment. It is necessary skill for a future. The main question facing managers in a organization is motivation, how does it work, when to apply and to whom they should apply on. Motivation reflects how innovative and productive things get done within work organizations. Since motivation influences productivity supervisors need to understand what motivates employees to reach peak performance. Managers need know how to motivate other people in order to work more efficient. There are numerous ways to motivate a team of employees and there are certain parameters that are needed to implement these techniques. In this paper I will be describing three techniques used in today’s growing economy and how they are used: the two-factor theory, the equity theory and the goal setting theory. There are several ways to motivate employees but these are my top three choices. The two-factor theory is widely used in today’s business’. This theory is based on the likes and dislikes of the employees. The first being satisfier factors, which what the employee like about his job. Tthe second being hygiene factor, which the employee doesn’t like about their job. With both of these theories an employer...
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...with minimum dysfunctions. Motivating staff is an important factor in improving job performance, keeping employee morale high, and maintaining an effective working environment. Management should adopt motivational methods that will encourage the staff to perform duties at the highest of expectations. The healthcare field is an extremely stressful and highly demanding field. Management should implement motivational methods, including incentive programs, alternative working arrangements, and clear polices regarding to rules and regulations. In an organization, employees share a common working environment; however, the goals, personal responsibilities, and lifestyles, of each employee differ from one to the next. Health care managers should communicate with employees individually and as a group in an attempt to understand the importance of working at their maximum potential. Communication is also important for the manager to understand what issues are preventing employees from performing duties at a maximum potential. “Active support from the management in such activities via resources, time, recognition, a clear vision and guidelines can positively influence the knowledge seeking and contribution behavior or individuals.” (2011 ). Adopting an employee incentive program is a method of motivation that will boost employee morale and job efficiency. Managers must provide employee appreciation, opportunities for advancement, bonuses, and salary increases as rewarded for a job well...
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...Motivational Methods Virginia Imars HCS 325 September 17, 2012 Marie Gagnon Motivational Methods The decision to downsize a department or company is not an easy one and the reasons come in many forms. As a manager preparing to notify his or her employees about the changes, research is necessary to help explain the reasons why the downsizing is necessary. Consultations with the Department of Human Resources will provide these reasons and help the manager formulate a plan to address these changes and concerns. Putting in place security system for disgruntled employees will help diffuse any conflict and assemble a severance package for the employees to be laid off. Plan to communicate with staff, clients, and vendors and, time this step at the right time. Contacting an outplacement service to help the employees that will be laid off will reduce the concern of becoming laid off, with these steps and research in place, makes the transition easier for everyone involved (ehow, 2012). Motivation is one of the changes to be addressed. Motivated employees are employees concerned with the company’s bottom line as well as the quality of the product. These employees are willing to put the client first, willing to work together to accomplish the company’s goals, and needs. The manager also needs to have good conflict management and facilitation skill to reduce or avoid ‘turfism” and keep the team focused on the goals of the company. Any changes in an organization mean...
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...Motivational Methods Christina Hilliard HCS 325 January 30, 2012 Susan McQuade Motivational Methods It is the conscientiousness of the manager to ensure their team is in high spirits. No matter how superfluous a job is, a manager must always encourage their team to be highly productive and successful. Managers are mentors, they are there to guide, encourage and educate nothing more and nothing less. Motivation methods are used in order to encourage productivity in the workplace. “Health care managers who lead teams and staff through motivation create conditions under which other people feel continually inspired to work hard and perform to the best of their abilities” (Lombardi & Schermerhorn, 2007). While there are many motivational techniques a manager can use, a manager should always choose the method that best suits the personalities in their team. Many people are motivated based on needs, others need health care managers to actively listen to their ideas, and some managers find motivating through job design to be ideal. Active listening is harder than it sounds. Successful managers do more than pay attention; he/she must genuinely care for the well-being of the team and never talk down to them. Listening is one of the most significant skills you can encompass. “How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness and on the quality of your relationships with others (Manktelow, 2012).” Becoming an active listener takes work but will ensure the speaker’s...
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...Motivational Methods Paper When becoming manager one must be flexible with the fact that situations will arise and changes will be made. When working in health care all employees must be aware that at any moment there could be either a small change or drastic change that will affect them. Unfortunately, I was advised by my superiors that my department must be downsized and have to prepare my team members of the changes. I have researched various motivational methods that would be an asset for me when implementing the changes to my team members. According to Robertson 2011, “Downsizing is the act of reorganizing the structure of a company to fit the needs of customers. Although it doesn’t always involve reducing staff, downsizing does bring about substantial eliminations.” Upper management has left it up to the managers of the department to come up with a plan that would assist employees to accept the changes. I believe that employees would be confused on what the changes are going to be exactly and will become concerned about their future. When individuals begin to become stress with work-related changes their performance begins to decrease, because they are worrying more about the change then the actual duties they need to be completing. The importance of motivation is that it “creates conditions under which other people feel continually inspired to work hard and perform to the best of their abilities.” (Lombardi, Shermerhorn & Kramer 2007.) As a manager, who is...
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...Motivational Methods Valencia A Simpson HCS 325 - (Health Care Management) January 31, 2014 Author Note This paper was prepared for Healthcare Management 325, taught by Kristin Schmidt. Motivation is a key element in the workplace and it is very important to know the basic theories methods and application because it is something that unavoidable all for us will come up with in our working environment. It is a necessary skill for a future manager or leader to know how to motivate other people in order to work more efficient. Thought this project I become more familiar with the subject and more realized about the importance of motivation. Executive summary Motivating employees is a key issue for most managers. In order to achieve a high level of performance and productivity, managers nowadays are inclined to pay more attention on this issue. Different employees need different motivation. This assignment will first look at the different characteristics of professional workers and lower level contingent workers. It will also address the different motivation approaches that are generally used by managers towards these two different groups. And then, by applying a set of motivation theories, we will explain why managers should use such different methods. Motivation Methods and Applications The main question facing managers in an organization is motivation, how does it work, when to apply and to whom they should apply on. Motivation reflects how innovative...
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...Motivational Methods Motivation is the key element in a workplace and it is extremely important to know the theories, methods, and applications associated with motivation. Motivation is a necessary skill for future managers and leaders as it is used to motivate employees to work more efficiently. Researching the different motivation methods has brought the realization of just how important motivation is in the workplace. For most managers, motivating their employees is a key issue. In today’s work force, managers are inclined to pay special attention to their employees. They also pay attention to motivates them to perform at a higher level. Not every individual works in the same manner or needs the same motivation. This paper will look at the different characteristics of professional workers and lower-level contingent workers. Also addressed in this paper will be the different motivational approaches that are used by managers today towards these two groups. Finally, by applying a set of motivational theories, this paper will attempt to explain why managers should apply different methods to each of these groups. There are many questions facing managers about motivation; questions such as how does motivation work, when to apply motivation, and whom to apply motivation techniques to. Motivation reflects how innovative and productive jobs are achieved within work organizations. Because motivation influences productivity, supervisors need to understand what motivates employees...
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...Motivational Methods Motivational Methods Even though not every method will work for all employees, Motivation methods help keep everyone moving towards a positive goal because when moral is at a high level, then the motivation level will be high as well and Incentives, and open communications help with motivation. Downsizing can take a toll on a department and manager. So to help keep the moral and motivation up will be a challenge. The manager would have to reinsure all staff members that the downsizing will not happen often. First step will have the motivational sprit start from the managers, and show more effort towards the staff members. The most important reason Motivation methods help keep everyone moving towards a positive goal is because when moral is at a high level, then the motivation level will be high as well. There are many methods to use in order to keep the motivation flowing without missing a beat. To start with a strong foundation is to full fill the basic needs of all the employees, such as great working hours, breaks in between hours, and making work fun while making sure work is getting done. “Lower-level needs include physiological, safety and social concerns, while higher-level needs include esteem and self-actualization concerns” (Lombardi, D. N., & Schermerhorn, J. R. (2007). The basic motivation process such as “the equity, expectancy, and goal-setting theories each offer advice and insight on how people actually...
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...Motivational Methods There is much to making the workplace into a successful team. In order to do this there is a lot of effort, patience and understanding that must take place. To make the workplace successful, certain protocols and ideals and even morals have to be instilled in the workplace. Each member of the team may have their own set of goals that motivate them. It would be extremely wise to try to implement those goals into the workplace for example if one team member has the goal of productivity and another has a goal of better service, these are goals that would benefit the workplace so it would be great to implement those goals into the workplace. To make these goals a reality the employer or leader of the team can offer incentives such as bonuses or special lunches. In order to build the team successfully proper leadership is important; however the team members should still have some sort of independence so that the team can operate effectively on its own. According to www.HumanResource.about.com, there are 12 Cs for team building; one of the twelve C’s is culture. It is important for employees to see the production being made to better the team so that it does not feel offensive when these changes are being made. In this case culture does not mean where you are from or your background but a leader that has the team’s best interest at heart that will guide the team correctly. Most companies have a leader of some sort whether it is a manager or team lead or even...
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