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Mountain Gorilla Research Paper

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Mountain Gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) are facing a battle for survival. Even though their populations have increase from 620 animals in 1989 to around 786 today (WWF), there have been many years of unrest. Just over half of these gorillas live around the Virunga volcanoes, which connects Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (Saving a Species: Gorillas on the Brink, 2007).
Natalie Portman and Jack Hanna visited Virunga National Park in search of the endangered Mountain Gorilla, and to shed light on the current conservation issues facing them today. They touched on how populations are being decimated by conflict and poaching, although the efforts of several conservation organizations, such as the African Conservation …show more content…
This is because gorillas face multiple threats that include habitat loss, poaching, and diseases (WWF). As humans have encroached upon the gorillas’ habitat to avoid the crisis in Rwanda, they development the land for livestock and agriculture. The gorillas have moved further up the mountain to stay in the dense forests or have come out into the clearings. Both situations force the gorillas into dangerous and sometimes deadly positions, as well as the rangers that protect them. Since 1996, over 150 rangers have been killed in the line of duty (Saving a Species: Gorillas on the Brink, …show more content…
Although Fossey’s life was cut short, she was incredibly influential in creating and growing conservation efforts. This includes conventional conservation measures such as rangers in the park and laws enforcing conservation; gorillas that have been adapted to humans also received the more extreme approaches of continuous monitoring and veterinary care (Robbins et al., 2011). Fossey convinced veterinarians to treating habituated gorillas in the wild for snare wounds, respiratory diseases, and other life threatening conditions (Robbins et al., 2011); this program began in 1986 (Saving a Species: Gorillas on the Brink, 2007). It is known that Gorillas that come into contact with humans can be vulnerable to disease transmission, which gorillas experience in more severe forms (Robbins et al., 2011; WWF). Habituated Gorillas also have a greater chance of survival than unhabituated gorillas due the extra monitoring and protection allotted to the areas in which they reside (Robbins et al., 2011; WWF). Along with the greater care in the wild, there are also programs to shelter orphaned babies, which was seen as a large challenge until sanctuaries moved closer to the forested areas (Saving a Species: Gorillas on the Brink, 2007). The gorillas are kept in these sanctuaries until they are about six or seven; at

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