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Mr Alex Goulding


Submitted By mufc19
Words 362
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GCE History Coursework

Resource Record Sheet

Centre Number: 15125

Candidate Number: 8097

Candidate Name: Alex Goulding

Coursework Programme Title:

Assignment Title Part A: To what extent can the establishment of the PRC be seen as a turning point in the last 100 years of Chinese history?

Issue | Sources | Comments | Teacher’s comments if appropriate | Teacher’s initials and date | | School Notes – Mr Olsen PowerPoint presentations and hand out sheets. | -Early Chinese History; Qing Dynasty-Mao Zedong’s reign (Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution etc..)-Deng Xiaoping reign (rebuilding China) | | | | Deng Xiaoping and the transformation of China – Ezra. F. Vogel (author) | -Deng Xiaoping reign (how it differed to Mao Zedong’s, economic zones, -Chinese socialism – against traditional Marxist beliefs. | | | | Access to History, The People’s Republic of China, 1949-1976 – Michael Lynch (author) | -Mao Zedong’s reign (Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution etc..)-Deng Xiaoping reign (rebuilding China) | | | | The Search for Modern China – Jonathan. D. Spence (author) | -Life in China before Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping-The Chinese Empire; Qing Dynasty | | | | A Bitter Revolution: China’s struggle with the modern world – Rana Mitter (author) | -China before the present day/before it became so powerful worldwide-Mao Zedong’s and Deng Xiaoping’s reignModern Day China | | | | China: From Empire to People’s Republic 1900-1949 – Michael Lynch (author) | -Mao’s communist victory/takeover.-Mao speeches/quotes. | | | | China: A History – Harlod Miles Tanner (author) | -Mao Zedong’s reign (Great Leap Forward, -Cultural Revolution etc..) | | | | Mao Zedong’s Dictatorship – Kathlyn Gay (author) | -Mao Zedong’s reign (Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution etc..) | | | | Mao’s China: A nation in

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