Transistors - The computer contains millions of transistors, which are used to create machine language using logic gates that turn on and off the circuits. Machine language - All computers and electronic devices communicate in binary, which is a series of 0's and 1's or Off and On electrical signals. All software written on your computer is created in a high-level programming language that humans can understand, when complete the program is compiled into the machine language that computers understand. ASCII codes - Each binary 0 or 1 is considered a bit and each number, letter, or other character is made up eight bits (one byte). A common method for storing and editing text is done with ASCII codes, which is one byte of binary. For example, the lowercase letter "a" has a ASCII code decimal value of 97, which is 01100001 in binary. Motherboard - The Motherboard is the largest circuit board in the computer that holds and connects everything together. Without the motherboard, components like your processor and memory couldn't communicate with each other. Processor - The processor or CPU is the brain of the computer and is where all instructions given to the computer are handled. Computer memory - Not to be confused with disk storage, the computer memory (RAM,) is volatile memory and is used to store currently running applications. When the computer is turned off, all data in the memory is lost. Computer disk storage - Also considered a memory, but a non-volatile memory, hard drive storage is what stores your information even when the computer is turned off. Disk storage is what stores all your personal files, documents, songs, photo's, etc. ROM - Yet another memory, read-only memory (ROM) is a memory chip that has data that can only be read. Most computers today have a programmable read only memory (PROM), which is still read-only but