The MRSI Code of Conduct
The MRSI Code of Conduct
Marketing and social research depend upon public confidence that the research is conducted honestly, objectively, without unwelcome intrusion and without disadvantage to informants, and that it is based upon the willing co-operation of the public.
The general public and anyone else interested shall be entitled to complete assurance that every marketing research project is carried out strictly in accordance with this code, and that their rights of privacy are respected. In particular, members of the general public must be assured absolutely that personal and/or confidential information supplied during the course of a marketing research study will not be made available without their agreement to any individual or organisation, whether private or of ficial, outside the researcher's own organisation (as laid down in Section C), and that such information will not be used for any purpose other than marketing research.
Research should also be conducted according to accepted principles of fair competition, as generally understood and accepted, and to high technical standards. Marketing and social researchers should always be prepared to make available the necessary information whereby the quality of their work and the validity of their findings can be adequately assessed.
In this Code:
a) The terms Marketing Research is defined as the systematic collection and objective recording, classification, analysis and presentation of data concerning the behaviour, needs, attitudes, opinions, motivations, etc. for individuals and organisations (commercial enterprises, public bodies, etc.) within the context of their economic, social, political and everyday activities.
For the purpose of this Code, the term Marketing Research is taken to also cover Social Research, insofar as the