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Mt Tambora Research Paper

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The eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815 was the one of the most powerful eruptions in recorded history, with a volcanic index of 7, “It killed more than 71,000 people on the spot and it was responsible for a volcanic winter that caused the worst worldwide famine of the 19th century” (Diaz, 1). The wrath that Tambora left on the environment proved to be harsh, as the deadly eruption led to political unrest and disease all across the globe. Because ecocriticism enjoys examining the effects of the state of the natural world on human stories, ecocritics like the story of Frankenstein because the bad weather from 1815-1817 helped to inspire the author towards all of the gloom in the novel. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein was written during one of the most productive periods in the history of English literature, the summer of 1816. …show more content…
The bad weather of the summer months in 1816 is a touchstone of Mary Shelley’s correspondence” (Wood, 7). The “circle” had no choice but to spend the gloomy days reading and chatting about ghost stories, which inspired Mary to write about Victor Frankenstein, a boy that brings to life a monster he, himself created. The mix of the bad weather worldwide, the different landscapes they visited, and the three’s common interest in science steered them to ponder about the susceptibility of human societies living amongst uncontrollable natural forces, which falls along the lines of what general ecocritics study in their analysis. The possibility of human extinction was even considered and addressed in the novel. Mary Shelley’s writings of this “Year without a summer”, including Frankenstein, demonstrate her awareness and concern for nature (Wood,

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