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A Research Project presented to
Ms. Loreta Figueroa

In Partial Fulfilment of Requirement
Research I (Technical Writing with Basic Statistics)

Ellah Kim D. Reyes
April 2011

Ellah Kim D. Reyes

Regional Science High School III
April 2011

This Research paper entitled, “THE EFFECTS OF DEPED MTAP PROGRAM TO REGIONAL SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL III FOR FIRST YEAR SECTION AMETHYST”, in partial fulfilment of the requirements in Research I (Technical Writing with Basic Statistics) is here by prepared and submitted.
Ellah Kim D. Reyes

ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL, in partial fulfilment of the requirement in Research I (Technical Writing with Basic Statistics).

Ms. Loreta Figueroa
Research Adviser
April 2011

First of all, to God be the glory, a grateful thanks to Him. For all the wisdom and knowledge that He has given to me. And also thank you, for giving e the strength and health to do this project work until it done. Not forgotten to my family for providing everything, such as money, to buy anything that are related to this project work and their advice, which is the most needed for this project. Internet, books, computers and all that as my source to complete this project. They also supported me and encouraged me to complete this task so that I will not procrastinate in doing it. Then I would like to thank my teacher, Ms. Loreta Figueroa for guiding me and my friends throughout this project. We had some difficulties in doing this task, but she taught us patiently until we knew to do. She tried and tried to teach us until we understand what we supposed to do with the project work.

Last but not least, my friends who were doing this project with me and sharing our ideas. They were helpful that when we combined and discussed together, we had this task done.

The objective of the study is to develop mathematical skills through the MTAP Program to Regional Science High School III for First Year Section Amethyst. To be able to know their weakness and discipline regarding the proper step-by-step procedure in solving the problems and computations in Math subject.

This study aims to know the significant difference of the Effect of MTAP Program to Regional Science High School III for First Year Section Amethyst in terms of age and gender. By knowing and learning the right mathematical skills in performing the operations in math, solving difficult problems, write out full solution and analysation.

I therefore conclude that the Effects of DepEd MTAP Program to Regional Science High School III for First Year Section Amethyst is doing a great thing to the students.

I recommend the male respondents to focus first on them before other things because DepEd MTAP Program has effects on the academic performance of students, the researcher recommends that both teachers and parents should give greater encouragement and discipline to the respondents in their mathematics lessons to further enhance and maintain their skills in math learnings.


Preliminary Part Page
Cover Page.....................................................................................
Fly Leaf..........................................................................................
Title Page.......................................................................................i
Acceptance and Approval..............................................................ii
Table of Content............................................................................v
List of
List of figure.................................................................................vii

Chapter 1 The Problem and its Background 1
Theoretical Framework..............................................................2
Conceptual Framework..............................................................4
Statement of the Problem...........................................................5
Scope and Limitation.................................................................6
Significance of the study...........................................................6
Assumption of the study............................................................7
Definition of terms....................................................................7

Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature 9
Most Recent Literature................................................................9
Least Recent Literature...............................................................10
Synthesis of the Study................................................................11

Chapter 3 Methodology 13
Research Method Used...............................................................13
Population and Sample of the study................................................13
Data Gathering Instruments.............................................................14
Data Gathering Procedure...........................................................15
Data Analysis and Statistical.......................................................16

Chapter 4 Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation 18
Table 1.0......................................................................................18
Figure 4.0.....................................................................................19
Figure 5.0.....................................................................................20
Figure 6.0.....................................................................................21

Chapter 5 Summary, conclusion and Recommendation 22


Table Title Page

Table 1.0 The Profile of the Respondents........................18


Figures Title Page

Figure 1.0 Paradigm of the Theoretical Framework...................3

Figure 2.0 Level of Interest in Mathematical Subject.................4

Figure 3.0 Population and sample............................17

Figure 4.0 Distribution of 100 % of the minutes they spend In solving math problems..........................19

Figure 5.0 The survey about sacrificing other subjects for Studying in mathematics............................20

Figure 6.0 Hours they spend in studying lesson........................21

Chapter I

Introduction Maria, (12 years old) said that the respondents need an active participation in learning mathematics. In order to get a sound understanding of any mathematical topic it is essential that they actually perform the calculations by themselves. They can’t learn mathematics by being a spectator. It is by using your brain to solve the problem and by writing out the full solution. The seminar of MATP conducted to the learning process. They have experience a greater variety of problems, thus building their expertise and developing confidence in dealing math problems.

The researcher’s topic is about teaching and letting the respondents learn the basic mathematic skills. A preparation for any mathematics quiz bowl. MTAP means Math Teachers Association of the Philippines. It develops interest in Mathematics among elementary and high school respondents, to inculcate important mathematical concepts and proficiencies, and to further improve the mathematical skills of Filipinos.
Theoretical Framework
Bishop, (1928-2004) said that this paper explores assumption that all formal mathematics education produces cultural conflicts between the children’s everyday culture of mathematics. Analysing mathematics learning in this way from an intercultural perspective allows us to integrate perspectives and result from psychological research on intercultural communication and intercultural learning into mathematics education research.

For De Abreu, LBishop and Pompeu, this interview reveals about the way a father did the sums, not the same way as learned in school. He does it in his head while her son is with the pen. (Interviewed Maria, 14 yrs. Old, daughter of a sugar cane worker in Brazil). That children often experience conflicts in terms of contradictory understandings generated through their participation in two different mathematics cultures, one outside school, liked to their everyday practices, and the other at achool. An example of an observation of cultural conflicts.



Figure 1.0
Paradigm of the Theoretical Framework Figure 1.0 show that the researcher, therefore, theorize that the mathematics learning of the respondents ca influence the intercultural learning and formulated as one.




Figure 2.0
Level of Interest in Mathematical Subject It is shown in Figure 2.0 that by developing Mathematical skills and Programs to Regional Science High School III for first year Amethyst gives interest in Mathematics among elementary and high school respondents, to inculcate important mathematical concepts and proficiency, and to further improve the mathematical skills of Filipinos.

Specifically, it will answer the following question: 1. Is there a significant difference in terms of age and gender in attending DepEd MTAP Program to Regional Science High School III for first year section Amethyst? 2. What pointers should the respondents follow in order to develop mathematical skills?

Hypothesis 1. H0 - There is no significant difference in terms of age and gender in attending DepEd MTAP Program to Regional Science High School III for first year section Amethyst? 2. H1 - There is significant difference in terms of age and gender in attending DepEd MTAP Program to Regional Science High School III for first year section Amethyst?
Scope and Limitation Thus study concentrates on finding out the development of Mathematical skills, concept and proficiency rate by getting the grades of the First Year Students of section amethyst of Regional Science High School III School Year 2010-2011. Also, it will be focusing on the mathematical tools, variety of disciplines and understanding the basic ideas in using standard mathematics test. The study is limited to Math subject for First Year Students of Section Amethyst of Regional Science High School III School Year 2010-2011.

Significance of the study For the teachers, the study will help them to decide whether to improve or retain the Mathematical concepts and proficiencies and skills of the respondents. Furthermore, it will be an eye opener for them to make them realize if their methods of teaching Math are effective and interesting. This will be beneficial to the students because by determining the Mathematical skills, they can recognize their weakness and discipline in the Math subject and further enhance them. This is important to the parents of the students so that they will be informed about their child’s standing regarding the Math subjects. By knowing that they can help develop their child’s skills n Math such as performing the operation in Math, solving difficult problems, writes out the full solution and analysing. Assumption of the study
It assumed that the First Year Students of Section Amethyst in Regional Science High School III School Year 2010-2011 can perform the operation in math, solved difficult problems, can write out full solution and analysing.

Definition of terms

MTAP – means Math Teachers Association of the Philippines. It develops interest in Mathematics among elementary and high school students, to inculcate important mathematical concepts and proficiencies, and to further improve the mathematical skills of Filipinos.

Mathematical Skills – that will help with learning number patterns and multiplication facts.

Concepts – is a cognitive unit of meaning an abstract idea or a mental symbol sometimes defined as a “unit of knowledge”, built from other units which acts as a concept’s characteristics.

Proficiency – the quality of having great facility and competence.

Discipline – refers to systematic instruction given to a disciple.

RSHS – Regional Science High School III

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