Mulan is a Walt Disney animated film that premiered in 1998. This animated film was directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook , where the main story plot revolved around filial piety. The story depicts scenes during the Han Dynasty, where in an attempt to prevent the Huns from invading Han China, the emperor mandates that each family send out a male member to join the Chinese army. Hua Mulan being the sole daughter of the family, worries for her aged father’s safety. Hence, she decided to represent her father on the behalf of her family to join the army. The main purpose of the film is to emphasize on the important of filial piety to the young. I agree to a certain extent regarding how the significance of filial piety is depicted to children.…show more content… But, they decided to abandon the mainstream Disney Princess movie storyline and inculcate the teachings of filial piety to children. This is seen in two instances in the movie: Firstly, when Mulan sacrificed herself and went to serve in the Chinese army in place of her father. Secondly, after preventing the assassination of the emperor, he gave her the role of an advisor in court. But she rejected the prestigious role to return to her family. The morals which they wish to impart to the young is: to love and honor your family; is clearly portrayed in the movie through sacrifice of oneself to protect one’s parents as well as to always remember one’s roots. Through these instances, Bancroft and Cook highlight the significance one should place in