Premium Essay

Munchkin's Puss In Boots

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Words 748
Pages 3
A cat that is a part of my life.
I still cannot forget him. This farewell was too hard for me to take. Would it be strange if I was trying to describe my misery over a cat? I would never be depressed over a farewell with a random cat. He was part of my life.

Tangerine orange smooth fur, running around the house like a horse surprised by something and gone crazy. Short legs, bright and huge eyes, normal-sized ears. 1 year old Munchkin came to my house about 6-7 months ago. He reminds me of the cat in the story “Puss in Boots”. I gave my cat the name, Dong. Why? Because I wanted him to be a part of me. He was too cute for me to just breed him like a normal cat. I spent my time with him from the moment when the sun showed its face above the mountains to when it finished its job and the moon started brightening up the busy city. Tokyo was probably the best place for a house-cat to stay. Healthy food, comfortable houses, and family to be loved… I am not the kind of person that would do only that kind of things to my cat. I treated him like a human. I slept with him, I ate three meals with him, and took a shower together. He was like my younger brother. I loved him more than anything in the world. Every morning, I find him laying besides my body and purring loudly, rubbing his face …show more content…
As always, Dong was sitting next to me, meowing continuously, which means he is hungry. Suddenly tears came out as the bell rang. A young couple was taking my cat today. I imagined a life without Dong. I would wake up lonely by myself. I would not be able to clean up his mess. I won’t be able to see him meowing in front of my face. I won’t be able to take a look at my orange, with soft fur, big eyes, and short tailed cat anymore. But I knew he would be gone someday. It was just a faster farewell, I thought, pushing away the negatives. I saw Dong’s face for one last time, and the couple took him

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