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Muscle Spasm Research Paper

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Muscle spasm is an abnormal, long-lasting and involuntary muscular contraction which consisting of a continued muscular contraction or of a series of alternating muscular contractions and relaxations.1, 2 The contraction and relaxation concept (tight-loose concept) is based on the Increased stimulation causes an agonist muscle to become tight, and the tighter it becomes, the looser its antagonist becomes because of reciprocal inhibition. In acute conditions, the cycle can be described as continuing spasm–pain–spasm. The result is tightness that progresses from the acute condition of muscle contraction to muscle contracture, leading to chronicity. In chronic conditions, the cycle is described as pain–looseness–pain.3
In the cervical …show more content…
cervical adenitis), Whiplash and other injuries to the cervical ligaments and muscles. 5, 6
A widely held concept states that muscle pain causes spasm of the same muscle, which in turn causes more pain that perpetuates the spasm.2 Experimental evidence shows that pain may cause muscle spasm and that muscular activity can be painful.7 Due to unrelieved muscle spasm, the symptoms become prolong and recovery is delayed.4 Neck pain which is associated with loss of cervical lordosis, is sometimes ascribed to muscle spasm. There was the study conducted in England in which the prevalence of straight cervical spines in chronic cases was reported about 26%.8 Côté et al 22, 23 in evaluating neck spasm cervical pains and its related disability, reported that in the Canadian population, the estimated lifetime prevalence of 67%, point prevalence of 22.2% and 14% prevalence of high pain intensity with disability. Neck related headache and chronic pain has strong association with poor posture.26 Those spasms which are caused by poor posture, for …show more content…
16 It is used to describe any therapeutic maneuver designed to increase the extensibility of soft tissues, thereby improving flexibility and ROM by elongating (lengthening) structures that have adaptively shortened and have become hypomobile over time. Stretching interventions become an integral component of an individualized rehabilitation program when restricted mobility adversely affects function and increases the risk of injury. 17 The movement that requires moving a body part to the point at which there is an increase in the movement of a joint can be called a stretching exercise.

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