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Describe The Easiest Ways Of Getting Rid Of Food And Grills

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If you are the lucky owner of a big backyard, then you probably have an outdoor kitchen set up there. An outdoor kitchen is ideal for any person who wants to enjoy a family barbecue on a lazy summer Sunday. The main element of the outdoor kitchen is, obviously the grill. Most people prefer gas grills, because they are less messy and easier to use. However, even the gas grill requires some maintenance from time to time. In order to keep it in good shape for a long time, you should give it a good cleaning once in a while. This means cleaning more than just the metal grates (which should be cleaned before and after every use of the grill). However, this procedure is very simple. Here's what you need to do:
1. Clean food stains
The easiest way of getting rid of food and grease stains is to turn the grill on and leave it running for 15 minutes, thus turning the excess food into ash, which will be easier to clean. After that, turn off the gas, allow the grill to cool and start the cleaning process. …show more content…
Clean the metal grates
For an easier cleaning, the metal grates should still be warm, but not hot enough to cause burns. They are easier to clean when they are warm because the food scraps haven't had time to harden yet. Use a grill brush to thoroughly clean the grates.
3. Clean the burners
The burned don't need much cleaning, but they do need a short inspection. Use a dry cloth to wipe them off and inspect to see if there are any clogs in the gas holes. If there are any, use a toothpick to unclog them.
4. Clean the bottom of the grill
This is also a simple procedure. Scrape off any food scraps that might be hardened on the bottom of the grill and then use a sponge soaked in soapy water in order to thoroughly clean that

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