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William Faulkner's A Rose For Emily

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William Faulkner’s short story ‘A Rose for Emily “is considered one of his most celebrated brief stories. William Faulkner grew up in the South and being a Southern writer he focuses southern tradition on his writing. Emily is the primary character on this story. The tale divides into 5 segments, and in each segment the author focuses Emily’s eccentric, bizarre, stubborn and aggressive behavior. During her childhood her father shaped her life and was isolated her from the outside world. Soon after her father’s death she encountered with Homer Barron in such a relationship tragically which was not accepted by her towns people. Since then she became more lonely and isolated. She turned into residing in the past even for many years although the …show more content…
He plays a first-rate role in her life. In the City of Jefferson, Grierson’s family had taken into consideration a notable social standing and rich family (Character analysis A Rose for Emily, 2).His overprotected dictatorship conduct causes her emotional frustration. Emily’s woman’s lifestyles turned into obstructed with the aid of her father. Her father, Mr. Grierson constantly idea no young man turned into suitable for her daughter. For this reason, he pushed away absolutely everyone who wanted to close to her existence (Psychological character analysis 2). As a result, she has become single and left alone whilst her father died. Her attitude on that state of affairs hinted her mental decline. Her refusal to believe her father’s death proves her insanity. After her father’s death as a south custom when her community people started showing their condolences, Emily was dressed as usual and standing on the door with no grief. The Narrator points out inside the story as “No trace of grief on her face” (Faulkner, II). She denied all and sundry to bury him. After three days, minister and doctor persuade her to bury him. The demise of a cherished one is constantly painful that can cause depression; Emily didn’t have the coping talents. She had to readjust her life which will compensate and cope, but she failed to go through the real world. All those prove her insanity to lose the …show more content…
She went to the drugstore to buy arsenic and stated the druggist “I need the best you've got, I don’t care” (Faulkner, III). The druggist asked her to explain the cause as opposed to giving an explanation for she simply stared at him. She went to the drug save with complete of frightened- worrying and confirmed her inappropriate anger, in addition to avoidance to tell the fact. In that moment, she was mentally broken down. Finally, she killed Homer Barron via arsenic. The tragic changed into no longer completed there. There has been an undesirable and a terrible state of affairs occurred after Mr. Barron’s demise. She lived with the corpse of Homer Barron for decades. She was completely out of touch with reality that associated with her insanity. Considering that then she didn’t have any contact with the outdoor global. She turned into completely isolated and

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