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Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Case Study

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The Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Program was created as part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 to meet the needs of state correctional systems for resources to address a growing problem (Welsh & Harris, pg. 213). It was reported by state officials that the main problems were locating or constructing appropriate facilities, recruiting trained treatment staff, and contracting with treatment providers under lengthy or complex bidding and proposal processes. There are some possible steps that may have been overlooked in the process of implementing this program. According to the text, “about one fourth of the states (28%) reported encountering difficulties as a result of state regulations, and one-fifth …show more content…
If this program would have carefully considered the funding needed for their program, then would have been able to acquire the necessary resources to implement the program successfully. Making sure that a program is able to gather all the necessary resources is essential because without it the program may find itself in a bind where they are running out or money or simply just don’t have it. There are always ways to find funding and for a program that could potentially help a problem that could be fixed. The program problems mentioned that because of funding they were not able to implement aftercare programs to offenders, which would have been very beneficial to them. Another step in the seven stage model that could be used to explain what happened is stage 3 designing the program or policy under the step; Writing job descriptions or staff, and defining the skills and training required. The text explained that “Programs had difficulty recruiting staff trained in the therapeutic-community and/or cognitive-behavioral methods as suggested in the RSAT RFP” (Welsh & Harris,

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