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My Career In Mechanical Engineering

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My interest for mechanical engineering unraveled in my childhood days when I broke open my favorite remote controlled car, since I was so desperate to know how things worked, but undermined the repercussions that I might not play with it again. That became the wind that set my voyage for the challenging journey of learning about machines, cars and new things. With this in mind, I started studying for engineering entrance examinations. My efforts bore fruits when I was selected as one of the 0.3% from over 150,000 students across India in one of the most competitive entrance examinations in India –Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance
Examination(VITEEE) to pursue their most prestigious ABET, USA accredited program in mechanical …show more content…
As the part of the curriculum, I had the opportunity to take in real data from an industry for the Optimization of transportation cost. The case study was to reduce the cost of transportation of a local industry to transport their products from various warehouses to their various supply points. It gave me my first experience as an engineer in which I reduced the cost of transportation of the particular industry by five per cent. I am also working on my project on “Multi objective optimization of Selective Laser Sintered
(SLS) components using genetic algorithm”. The project aims at optimizing the process parameters of the SLS manufactured components using an algorithm by which a product can be made of superior mechanical properties rather than optimizing just one property and to bring Rapid Prototyping into main scale manufacturing of components.
I was also able to co-author three international journal publications, one being on “the early cost estimate of a washing machine using Design for Manufacturing and Assembly
(DFMA) Principles” and two others on Rapid Prototyping techniques, thereby reducing the machining time and the wastage of materials during manufacturing and the improving reliability of the products …show more content…
Furthermore, The University offer subjects such as Production
Systems Control, Design and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems and Performance
Analysis of Manufacturing Systems which I am hoping to learn. The institute is also home for many talented people and diverse community, which will allow me to learn advanced technologies from different parts of the world.
After graduation, I would like to work as an industrial engineer seeking to learn and apply the advances in industrial engineering through challenging real time projects. I have a dream, a dream to optimize services for rural power generation through optimizing the supply chain for small scale grid independent plants, a dream that I believe that in the long run will turn me into an entrepreneur, leading my own company for the betterment of mankind.
I believe that the University of Wisconsin will be an ideal place for me to pursue my
Masters because of its academic excellence and distinguished faculty members. I am interested in Professor Dr. Ananth Krishnamurthy’s research on “lead time reduction and quick response manufacturing” as I am eager to study and get valuable insights into the field. Dr. Leyuan Shi’s research on production planning and scheduling also interests

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