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My Cultural Identity

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What is my cultural identity? I am a 15-year-old African American Teenager. I have 7 siblings. I only live with 1 sibling who is a track star. I have a musical and sporty type of cultural identity. “Please, sir, I want some more.”, When I hear this sentence I think of the movie Oliver Twist. Oliver Twist is a part of my cultural identity. When my family has special events there is jerk chicken taco’s always on the table for birthdays, parties, reunions, family outings. The United States Map is a map of all the places I want to go in the world and where all parts of my family are. My culture is important to me

Maps represent my culture and me. The United States shows all the places I want to travel and where some of my family is. The United States map shows 50 countries of where my family is spread out. Maps are full of color, plots are map defines a country. When people look at maps they see places where they want to go. When I look at a map I see places where I want to visit the rest of my family is. When some people look at the family they can see places where their home was. Maps are important to me because I can look and remember where I have family and where my family lives. Maps …show more content…
Oliver Twist is apart of my culture. Oliver Twist gets found at by a bad family and the family teaches him to steal and to do bad things. Oliver Twist gets caught and gets in big trouble but they didn't care about him getting in trouble, then Oliver gets found by a nice family but the thieves find him again and they kidnap him. The townspeople go looking for Oliver Twist and find the theirs that has them but one accidentally trips and dies from a rope. Oliver Twist was adopted like I was. I was adopted when I was 2 days old from the hospital, my aunt's daughter adopted me but I stay with my aunt. I was raised to act right and to be respectful, I wasn't taught to do bad things like the things the thieves taught

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