Free Essay

My Fears


Submitted By lenabeana
Words 360
Pages 2
I am afraid. I am afraid of a lot of things. Every day things that make me scared surround me. Some of them are little; some of them are more serious. Fear is a feeling that you are impending something bad to happen. I'm afraid that I am going fail this test. I'm afraid that I'm going be late for an important event. Fears can be very small too. I'm afraid that I'm going have to wash the laundry. I'm afraid that I'm not going to have any time for my kids. Fear doesn't have to be life threatening or dangerous. I am afraid of saying something offensive every time I say something, mostly because I don't have a filter. The first solution that comes to mind is that I should just keep my mouth shut. That's hard for me to do, because I like to say what's on my mind. 
 First of all, because of my unique perspective of the world and everything in it is one of my most valuable qualities. I feel obligated to share it. So by choosing to remain mute, I fear that I might keep someone from being freed from his or her troubles. I have to weigh my fears. Which is worse: fear of keeping my ideas out of the world and be as though I wasn't there or the fear that what I say will be taken the wrong way and get subjugated, punished, and possibly exiled? 
 My ideas, are my contributions to the world, my footprint. I can't keep them bottled up inside. Never being remembered is something else I am afraid of. It's a fear I can't face when I get to it. It's one that can only be dealt with here and now. I don't want to leave the biggest mark or even an important mark. I just don't want to disappear after I pass away. Because if I'm forgotten, there will be nothing left of me. That makes me terrified. So I will face my fears as they come. You know what they say; "you only live once, so why not make the most of it now?”

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