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Overcoming My Fear Of Great America

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I heard shouts and screams, the crying of those who seemed in peril, and I was in the middle. It was the summer of 2011, July, a crisp morning breeze awoken me. Then through the nooks and crannies the sun peeked through and I was showered with warmth and energy. Then I remembered today was the day. We were going to Great America, and I said I was going to overcome my fear of the Demon. Or was I? But that was for later. I sprinted through the hallway. Got my clothes from the dryer, brushed my teeth, grabbed a cup of good ol’ OJ and a slightly, frozen waffle. I changed clothes, ate, brushed at the same time. I got ready so fast that even my sister was still asleep. Only me and my parents were awake. Then I sat, wondered how many and what rides I should entertain myself with, oh what wonders await! …show more content…
It was the sun’s warmth that yearned us to go to the water rides. Every splish and splash was unforgettable. Then came around lunch. I resumed the fear of the Demon now remembering that we were going on roller coasters and other rides of the such. “A simple sandwich.” I requested to settle myself. “I don’t want to eat to much. All I need is to throw up,” I said with a very much sarcastic tone. Then the rides came. We stopped at what seemed like every single ride just to ride it. Every scream I heard reminded me of what I thought would be me. Every ride was a few steps close to the demon. Then every roller coaster saw my other family members take part in frightened me, every single one. There was the Demon in plain sight. Then there was a

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