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My Gpa Personal Narrative

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My GPA can be explained simply with by saying I was immature, made a lot of poor choices and experienced many unfortunate events but most importantly my GPA says I didn’t quit. Prior to entering college I was in an almost fatal car accident which left me both in recovery as well as extremely unprepared to begin college by the fall semester. Yet at the pressures of family, friends, and High School faculty I found myself in the classroom of Bloomfield College Fall of 2011. To be completely honest with you, I hated it! ALL of it! And it showed in my work. It was only after visiting one of my friends at William Paterson University that I felt like I found my home but transferring proved to be a harder feat than I expected. While in the paperwork process I was deserted by my mother who disappeared for months due to her drug addiction. Thankfully with the help of my financial aid counselor I was able to obtain independent student status and attend school the following semester.
I was happy, I was eager, and I was very much so unprepared. I was enthralled by the glitz and the glamour of the college dorms, the activities, and the social life I often chose the party over the library often times than not. While financial demands of living on my own with no continuous help forced me …show more content…
Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing”. Although my GPA is not ideal I display it with honor because it speaks to my fight. Nobody’s road to success is paved the same way and some may do better than other but as long as the destination is reached the victory is still the same. I am the first to graduate college in my family even when the odds were stacked against me I still managed to do it. I just aim to inspire others to do the same because it is possible if you just choose to do be

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