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My Grandfather: Willie B. Lofton Sr.

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Pages 8
The Civil Rights Movement was one of the most defining moments in American history.
Many people black and white experienced the hatred, violence, verbal abuse and the anger and frustration it created. No one man or women had the same experience and no one can tell you better than someone who was there. The person who I interviewed was my grandfather, Willie B. Lofton Sr. He went through the Civil Rights Movement along with his friends and family. The movement brought forward hard times for more than half his life. Here is the story of the movement through my grandfather eyes.

1. What event or time in history did you experience?
Grandfather: D-Day, Vietnam, Malcom X, Martin Luther King and JFK’s assignation. The boycotts, segregation and integration, the right to vote, the first television, the first …show more content…
specified his points against segregation, integration, and discrimination. There are many things about that day, that speech and time I can remember so clearly. At that time my kids were headed to high school, and I hadn’t made it past the 6th grade because that was all that was offered for blacks at that time. He gave me the feeling that my kids would have a real chance at life. Something far better than what I had.

11. How was life before the movement?
Grandfather: Can remember my father getting up at 5am so he could get the hardest labor done before it got really hot. I can remember him working using a mule and shovel to farm. Other times, walking for what seemed like miles to the fields to pick beans and cotton. Times were really hard. The floor of the house we lived in had cracks in the floor. To keep from freezing during the winter we would keep the animals under the house. It was a total of 14 of us, 7 boys and 7 girls. This was mostly due to help on the farm. With that many of us, you can imagine I went to sleep many nights hungry.

12. What do you think the real purpose on the Civil Rights

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