Premium Essay

Lekythos Vase From Athena Greek

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Words 436
Pages 2
Attributed to the Athena Painter
For my term paper I went to the Art Institute of Chicago to search a sculpture from Ancient Greece. I came across a vase from Athena, Greece. I found this vase in the Greek, Roman and Byzantine Art section (150-154). This lekythos vase is a terracotta black-figure painting. The date for this vase is circa 490/480 BCE. Lekythos vases were used to store fine oils and perfumes, often dedicated in burials and decorated in reference to this function. On this vase thee are three men. Two men are wearing soldier gear, and one is wearing a toga. On the right side there is one nude soldier who is pointing with a pointy stick to the man with the toga and has a shield on his other hand. On the far left the other soldier is dressed and also pointing a pointy stick to the man with the toga. The man with the toga is calm and is blowing through an instrument. The soldier’s bodies seem idealized but the man in the toga appears to have a normal body. The men’s bodies look in proportion like over humans. The soldier’s gestures look like they want to kill the man in the middle. Above the painting there are flower decorations. The flaring and the handle are painted black. …show more content…
These dances were often performed in the theater before the main play. One of the young recruits is clothed and the others is nude, but both wear helmets, bear shields, and brandish spears. They demonstrate their mastery close-order maneuvers to the accompaniment of a double-flute player, who wears a long white garment and stand between them. In contrast to plucked string instruments like the lyre and cithara, which were associated with Apollo, the double flute was associated with Dionysos and the

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