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My Sister Elizabeth Fishel

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Elizabeth Fishel, a journalist and author, once stated, “A sister is both your mirror and your opposite.” My sister, Emily, and I have had an unbreakable bond ever since our early childhoods. We share the same birthday, we are constantly confused with each other, and our features and personalities are always compared. Despite our similarities, Emily and I are very different from each other, and our differences have allowed us to become who we are today. Emily has always been intellectually advanced for her age. Not only did she read newspapers at seven years old, but she knew more about becoming a trauma surgeon than any other second grader I know. She would finish her homework easily, and she would bring home perfect report cards. Emily had the highest grade point average in her grade school class, and she received a full scholarship to Archbishop Ryan High School. Not to mention, she graduated as valedictorian of her class in high school. …show more content…
I was still reading regular children’s books at the age of seven, and when family members asked me about a future career, I did not have an answer to give them. I often struggled with my math homework, and although my grades were great, they were not as high as Emily’s. I had the third highest grade point average when I graduated grade school, and although I had an opportunity to win a full scholarship to the high school of my choice, my grade on the test was not high enough. Even though I am ranked at the top of my class, I am not ranked first like my

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