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Intervention Strategies To Make A Difference In My Community

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Introduction In this summary report, it reflects on my personal experience of crime within my community and how it has affected me, my family, and community as a whole. Crime is exceedingly prevalent in Mitchell’s plain; as I have been exposed to crime. The intervention strategies which applies to my community is; Victim Empowerment, and Law enforcement as it has been effective in trying to control the crime that seems to be on the rise. An intervention strategy that would significantly make a difference in my community would be Rehabilitative programmes for perpetrators.

Personal experience …show more content…
In my community there can never be enough victim empowerment programmes; there are shelters for individuals who have experienced crime and violence. In Mitchell’s plain, there are many NGO’s, shelters, centres, and programmes that assist in empowering victims. Close by, there are two outreach programmes called Heavens shelter, and the Frog Centre which offer advice, support, food, clothing and …show more content…
Having rehabilitative programmes for perpetrators and ex-offenders may be intimidating and terrifying, but the community need something different in order to see results. I think this approach may help individuals with criminal records and offenders to build something of their lives. “Rehabilitation is considered a viable option in addressing crime and violence, because it addresses social factors, by helping perpetrators find employment” (Visser & Moleko, 2012:

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