Premium Essay

Treatment Plans


Submitted By theprincessh75
Words 6116
Pages 25
Heather Richard
EDUC 611
Treatment Plan
Liberty University


You are a school counselor in a Title One middle school located in the heart of Newark, NJ. Recently, there was a shooting at your school that involved many students. Classrooms were locked down for three hours. A few days ago, a teacher at your school said she saw in the crisis handbook that following a crisis, teachers should look for student behavior that is out of the ordinary as a way of identifying students who may need to see the school counselor. The student she is concerned about is a seventh grade (13 year old) Asian male named Tai. She said that he seems to be more withdrawn since the shootings and believes one of the students who were shot was a friend of his. Tai is new to the school this year and participates in the free lunch plan.

Case Conceptualization and Needs Assessment

Having a comprehensive crisis management plan in place allows members of the school staff and community to be aware of policy and procedures related to identifying students who may be in crisis. A crisis management plan should detail student behavior which may be signs of mental illness or crisis. In doing so school staff have criteria in place that helps identify those who may need assistance. According to Allen et al., the role of the school counselor is defined by the American School Counselor Association's (ASCA, 2000) by the statement, "the professional school counselor's primary role is to provide direct counseling service during and after the incident" (ASCA), school counselors are expected to serve students and school personnel during times of crisis by providing individual and group counseling; consulting with administrators, teachers, parents, and professionals; and coordinating services within the school and in the community”. (Allen et al, 1996) In relation to this definition the role of

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