...Necrotizing enter colitis is a serious disease that affects premature infants. The disease involves an infection and inflammation that causes the bowels to be intentionally destroyed. The disease such as necrotizing enter colitis is more prevalent in developing countries such as Africa A recent research article in February 2010 focuses on data collections within developing countries such as Africa that is experiencing an high rate of necrotizing enter colitis. Through the uses of statistical data and analysis the article also provides information on the long-term prospect of the disease and whether or not it is lacking in developing countries. The article focuses on data this is collected by South Africa during the pre human immunodeficiency virus era. The focus of this paper is to provide information on the statistical procedure and the significance of the study. The statistical procedures within this research article began with what is known as a cohort. A cohort is a group of subjects which shares a particular experience during a specific time span. During this research article the focus is mainly within a specific cohort of premature infants that are born in South Africa between the years of 1992 and 1995. The study expresses the mean values and how the data ranges throughout the article. For example the mean within the article is known as the gestational age of the cohort, which is thirty two weeks gestation. The range for gestational ages is from twenty...
Words: 546 - Pages: 3
...TermPaperWarehouse.com - Free Term Papers, Essays and Research Documents The Research Paper Factory Join Search Browse Saved Papers Home Page » Other Topics Uses of Statistical Data In: Other Topics Uses of Statistical Data Uses of Statistical Information Darryl Lowery Statistical Applications/HCS438 February 28, 2012 Julieanne Hessler, RN MSN, MBA Introduction Statistics are used in every phase in the delivery of health care. This is particularly true as it relates to the cost of providing health care services (Eaton, 2006). At Mercy Medical Center, not unlike any other health care facility, the use of statistics is pervasive throughout the organization. First and foremost Mercy uses statistics to develop and maintain its financial imperatives (Minnis, 2008). Simply stated if actual cost of providing health care services exceeds the revenue generated the organization will have difficulty keeping its doors open. This paper will discuss examples of descriptive and inferential statistics in use at Mercy Medical Center. Also discussed will be how data at nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio levels of measurement are used within the organization. Finally, the advantages of accurate interpretation of statistical data and improved decision making within the organization will be discussed. Descriptive Statistics An example of a descriptive statistic used at Mercy Medical Center is time spent by the Emergency...
Words: 491 - Pages: 2