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Nanotechnology In Technology

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Nanotechnology has become major emerging technologies by creating a wide impact to the today’s society. It has created the world in to a different place with the innovations which are introduced. Today nanotechnology has become one of the dominating sector in many industries such as medicine, food, agriculture, ICT etc. When comparing with other industries nanotechnology plays a major role in ICT industry. This paper is an attempt to explore an overview of nanotechnology, the importance of this technology, how nanotechnology has made an impact to the IT and communication industries, its application areas and how the computers and other electronic devices improved their performance.

There are many industrial revolutions …show more content…
Nanotechnology is a key fact that to create a drastic change in ICT industry. Over the past few decades new discoveries were able to address the challenges in this industry. Devices with high performance, high speed, power efficiency, high memory capacity and high bandwidths are introduced to the market by combing nanotechnology with ICT. [ Nanoscale Materials and Devices for
Future Communication Networks-magazine]

Large investments are done by governments on nanotechnology R&D activities to enhance the competitiveness in the IT and communication industries. Research and developments are giving the contribution to transform future ICT in to intelligent networks. [ Nanoscale Materials and Devices for Future Communication …show more content…

This is a technology where used in natural an artificial structures. It is mainly designing, producing and characterizing devices in nanometer scale. Nano meter scale is said to be 10000 times thinner than human hair. But this scale is different in different research papers due to the sizes of hair can be vary. Beside that, it is able to get an idea of how much nano particles small are.


It is difficult to say the exact time period of the foundation of this technology. But it has come across many decades over different industries. This technology was already used by the nature before this concept come to the world. The best example for this is the surface of the leaves of lotus flowers.

In 1959 a suggestion came by a great physicist about building object in atomic size. He was Richard Feynman who directed the world into different path over

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