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Napoleon Bonaparte Archetypes

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The best literary characters, in many people’s opinion, are those that are well-rounded, and do not conform to ordinary archetypes. These characters have a bit of both good and evil in them, and do not conform to either side’s specific requirements. In life, humans fall into this pattern of considering people to be archetypes and forcing others into labels of “good” and “bad.” However, humans do not actually conform to these patterns, and have a good mix of both. Napoleon Bonaparte was no exception to this rule. Many people are quick to label him as “bad,” he did in fact represent the French Revolution. Though he did taint some of the goals with his own beliefs, Napoleon was a son of the Republic and believed in Revolution.
Napoleon stood for …show more content…
One of the major point of the Revolution was that humans are all equals. He stood for this belief wholly, and worked hard to unify his people. He limited separation by classes, he made education available for almost everyone, and eliminates a lot of injustices with his Napoleonic code. However, he got a little bit out of control with this mission of unifying people, and set his sights on a task even bigger: unifying all of Europe under his rule. This was Napoleon’s biggest problem that led to his ultimate downfall: he was much too power hungry. He gave up on his task of unifying his own people, and worked single-mindedly to have power over all of Europe. Because of this, he wrecked his chances, not only with strong and stubborn European countries, but also with France: he established peace at the beginning of his rule, but is now driving them into constant battle, just so he can have more followers and a larger region to rule. His goal of unity drove him to do rash things, lose peace with most of Europe, and also lose the support of his followers.
Napoleon Bonaparte was a son of the Republic at heart, but he did believe in some irrational and unpopular ideas that wound up leading to his downfall. All of his motivations were based off of the French Revolution and especially for the theme “fighting for what’s right,” but he twisted these goals with his own in the end. Napoleon,

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