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Narrative Story


Submitted By maines1979
Words 537
Pages 3

Back To School

By: Shabu Samuel

Eng. 121

MISS. Kim Hunt



Back To School

Going back to school is something we all dread doing. In this story I (Shabu Samuel)

became one of the minority that takes the extra step to get back to school. Seeing all the

distractions in my path, I still manage to get on right path for improving my career.



Back To School

I was a great high school student. Being in the ninth grade at the age of fifth-

teen is already a challenge. The way I would get up in the morning and get ready for the school

bus, was something I loved to do. In the morning after I get dressed, I always make sure I take

out the trash from the house. Then I would go over my homework, I had to make sure it was

right. While waiting on my bus for school, I admired the morning breeze that blows through my

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