Nascha Kayani is 83 years old female who is a resident of Bitter Water Clan from Navajo Reservation. Her grandson Ahiga emailed yesterday stating that Nascha was suffering from severe pain in her left hip. Her grandson stated that the patient lives in a sedentary lifestyle of Navajo. There is not any other problem stated. The patient is 165 pounds with BMI 29.2. There is not any past medical history included according to the data given by her grandson. According to the data provided, the patient does not consume alcohol due to restriction in Navajo but she is a smoker.
The patient is currently living in her Hogan. In Navajo, people are living under virtual isolation. So, it is difficult to contact patient directly from the phone to get more information. The only way to contact her is to contact her grandson and he will relay the information. As Nascha is from registered tribe, this makes her eligible for care at an Indian Health Service. For Nascha to arrive at the hospital, she will have to make arrangements for her travelling. She could make it to the hospital if there is no rain. Her grandson need to translate the English for Navajo because the people in Navajo cannot understand English including the patient.
The vital statistics of the patient is as following:
Vital Statistics: Nascha Kayani
Blood Pressure 140/88…show more content… According to her blood chemistry test, her blood calcium level is 7.3 mg/dl. This means her calcium level is low than normal. This indicates that there was no calcium supplement found in her diet which lower the value of bone mineral density. This leads to the thinning of bone. If her test result would have been normal and she would have consumed more food that is rich with calcium, her bone would not have been fractured. The thinning of the bone takes place whenever there is low calcium level along with other factors listed above like Estrogen level, Vitamin D