...University (SST1) This essay will endeavor to explain the characteristics of the nation-state and transnational entities by first providing modern examples of the following categories: Nation, State, and Nation-state. Initially, the United States with be excluded from examination. However, the United States will be used a model for modern nation-state. Attributes of the United States, such as, fixed territory, sovereignty, and common culture will be explored in order to demonstrate how the United States fits the model of modern Nation-state before briefly describing 2 of the United States’ foreign policy objectives. The European Union, a prime example of a transnational entity, will be explored, starting with a description of the historical events and interests that led to its creation. The structural and functional attributes of the European Union will then be explored before delving into its foreign policy objectives. At this point, the reader should have a thorough understanding of nation-states and transnational entities from both an academic and practical perspective through the use of modern examples. The foundation help to facilitate the exploration and analysis of the interaction of transnational entities and nation-states as it pertains to the foreign policy objectives of each. Finally, we illuminate the consequences of these interactions and its effect on international politics. A nation can be roughly defined as group of people which share enough in common to consider...
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...A Nation is a culture group living within a territory of a political state. A group of people are a nation if: They are a permanent resident of a defined territory, they have some form of government. They have a common culture, and they declare to be and are considered by others to be Sovereign (Perry, J. A., & Perry, E. K. (2009). For instance North American Native Indian peoples which consist of many diverse nations. The Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma is one example of this. Even though the Cherokee nation and other Native American nations live within the U.S. most have retained their own cultures apart from America and live in land areas or reservations within U.S. states. The definition of State is the abstract embodiment, or the symbol, of the political institution. The State is the formal representation of government. One example of State is Scotland. Scotland is a country and is part of the United Kingdom. A Nation-State is a state ruling over a territory containing all the people of a nation and no others. A nation-state has fixed territory, sovereignty, and common cultures. If it doesn’t have all three then it’s not a nation-state. One example of a nation-state is Iceland. Most of the inhabitants are related or are of Scandinavian decent. They have their own national culture and language that is only found in Iceland. Iceland has no cross border minorities this is because it’s not close to any other land, thus giving it fixed boarders. (Perry, J. A., &...
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...Sam Morris Why is the nation sometimes confused with the state? A nation is defined by a group of people who share a common cultural background, whether this be through shared traditions, a common language, history, religion, etc. They will consider themselves to be a community that has the ability to communicate on may level. A state is a sovereign power which is geographically defined and is governed by a certain set of laws and principles, which entitles it to be a self-determined entity. In today’s society some may view that because a state has these set of values, and that its citizens are by the very nature of fact that they abide by these values, are a nation. For example even though France is a state, the French people are also seen to form a nation. This combination of people sharing cultural values and having self-determination creates a nation-state. There is confusion caused because the state and the nation are linked heavily. Apart from the fact that most states are nations, the fact that the United Nations is actually a collection of states, recognised because of their political sovereignty. The two are also sometimes confused because nations which are not states will usually be struggling to gain statehood, which furthers the point that’s the two are intrinsically linked, such as Scotland who are seeking independence from the UK. Therefore they are currently part of the UK as a state, however they see their national identity as being Scottish. Despite...
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...immigrants for threatening the American political foundation with the impact on American culture and language they brought. Under this circumstance, he called on a more concrete American identity, which not only includes the “American creed”, but also embodies a core culture. Different with many people, he argued United States is fundamentally a “settler” nation rather than an “immigration” nation. And the initial settlers, White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASP), had a dominating effect on the subsequent values and direction of the country. So the Anglo-Protestantism culture, which includes Protestant work ethic and centrality of the religion to personal life, should be re-affirmed as the American core culture, and United States, which he believe ought to be a nation-state, should be built upon this base. And he implied that American government should take measures to limit Latino immigration and take Islam as a national enemy. Huntington’s view has a clear conservative and Republican color. Huntington himself probably views himself as a firm patriot, however what I read is that he is not really confident in American culture and spirit. A successful and vigorous nation never worries about national identity or something. The success itself is louder than any doubt and can maintain solidarity of its people. Those most successful civilizations in human’s history, such as Roman Empire, Tang dynasty, Arabian Empire and British Empire, are all confident and thereby open....
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...What is the difference between a nation and a state and why are they often confused? The term nation tends to be employed with little precision, often being used interchangeably with terms such as state, country, ethnic group or race. Nations have many features. First and most basically, nations are cultural entities. A nation is a group of people who share a common language, religion, history and traditions. Second, nations are political entities. A nation is a group of people who regard themselves as a natural political community. This is expressed most clearly in the desire to establish or maintain statehood. Nations are often based on rights, democracy, common laws and common territory. E.g. USA, South Africa. Lastly, they are psychological entities. A nation is a group of people bound together by shared loyalties or allegiances, often expressed in the form of patriotism. Nations can be viewed as either primary cultural communities or cultural political communities. A state is a formal political entity which has clearly defined territorial boundaries within which some form of government exercises the powers of the state. The state normally is seen to have certain duties e.g. ensure peace and stability, provide social welfare, protect property etc. The state is seen to be sovereign and has sovereign power over a certain jurisdiction. It is therefore superior to all other institutions including government. The government is a short term institution and just the principal...
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...The State of the Rainbow Nation by Jeff Cangialosi (2012) Following the rest of the crowd, I stood quickly as the South African national anthem began to play. I was about to watch my first rugby game at the University of the Western Cape and sitting beside me was my newest South African friend Francis. As I strained to hear the national anthem, I realized that the majority of the song was not in English but a mixture of other languages that I could not decipher. Sitting back down, I turned to Francis and asked him what languages I had just heard in the national anthem. He responded, “There are five different languages in the song brother…Xhosa, Zulu, Sesotho, Afrikaans, and English…it’s supposed to create unity, but brother, the people here, they are not unified. No one knows the words.” Language is one of the most obvious indicators of the vast diversity of South Africa. The national anthem may be composed of five different languages, but in total, the country has eleven official languages. In Cape Town, Afrikaans, English, and Xhosa are the most widely spoken languages, but as you travel across the country, you encounter many different indigenous languages. In addition to language, another marker of South Africa’s diversity is color. Infamous for its past of apartheid, South Africa is the land of people who are black, white, coloured, and Asian. Making up almost 80% of the population demographic, black South Africans are the largest racial group, but in my view...
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...The current state of the nation’s economy has forced the school system to significantly reduce costs. These reductions will have a major impact on the current educational programming of the school. Principals have been asked to return to their respective campuses and collaborate with their leadership teams to develop a comprehensive plan of how to reduce their existing operating budgets. The following plan proposes a 20% reduction in the maintenance and operations budget and a 30% reduction in the soft capital budget. School Budget Breakdown Maintenance and Operations Budget | Soft Capital Budget | Item | Estimated Percent of the Budget | Item | Estimated Percent of the Budget | Salaries | 80% | Athletic Equipment | 5% | *Administrative | 2% | Textbook Adoption | 10% | * Support Staff | 3% | Technology Equipment | 30% | * Core Teacher | 60% | Furniture and Desks | 20% | * Elective Teacher | 15% | Instructional Equipment | 30% | Extra Duty Stipends | 2% | PE Equipment | 5% | Athletic Coaches Stipends | 2% | | | Instructional Supplies | 5% | | | Consumable Supplies | 4% | | | Professional Development | 2% | | | Purchased Services | 3% | | | Athletic Dues and Fees | 2% | | | Revenue: Purposes and Limitations Revenue | Items Paid | Source | Usage | Limitations | Maintenance and Operations Budget Allocations | HVACElectricalWaterUtilitiesInsuranceLeases and RentalsDues and MembershipsMaterials...
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...To what extent do organizations like the IMF, WTO, and World Bank challenge the nation state’s ability to shape domestic economic and social policy? The World Trade Organization welcomed with open arms Russia in 2012. This would open up trade possibilities for many countries in Asia, Europe and even the US. Some US companies, like Caterpillar, are already exporting a substantial amount to Russia. However, many in Congress do not want to grant Russia permanent normal trade status because of the way Russia has handled many political situations. As Andrew Kramer brought out in his NY Times article, “Congress has balked at the Obama administration’s request to grant Russia permanent normal trade relation status”. This could lead to retaliation by Russia against US companies by applying higher tariffs on their imported goods. According to Mr. Kramer’s article, the US company Caterpillar has sold 2 billion dollars worth of equipment to Russia in the last 5 years. However, President Obama’s administration, as well as his predecessors, has pushed to open up more trade with Russia. The WTO requires that all member nations have applied the same trade rules. Therefore, since the US is the largest financial contributor to the WTO, it would seem to be expected that it would play by the rules. So the WTO certainly has an effect on how the US constructs it trade policy with Russia. The pressure from inside the country, especially from those who think that Congress’ inaction could cost US...
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...The definition of a state is an organized body of institutions that hold a monopoly of coercive powers over a territorial area. Unlike a nation, membership of a state is objective with citizenships assigned which clearly shows the legal status of a person. A state has a fixed territory, which its power does not extend. The state is a sovereign entity; a state cannot exist without a centre of sovereignty that is in control of the territory as sovereignty is at the heart of the formation of a state. Normally a state is characterized as having for major components: population, sovereignty, government and territory. If one of these is missing the state is unable to exist. States don’t have to take into account individual’s thoughts towards belonging to a state, as they are purely political bodies. A nation is defined by a community, which is united by a numbers of elements. These include; land, culture, language, tradition and a mutually accepted identity. Being part of a nation is more of a psychological bond supported by patriotism. Therefor it is subjective. The individuals themselves therefor decide upon membership. Patriotism is defined as a strong emotional attachment to an individual’s homeland and therefore giving their primary allegiance to the nation over all other aspects like religion. Nations do not necessarily have a defined geographical area however nations are still able to survive such as the case of the Kurds, which can be found in Turkey, Syria, and Iraq or the...
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...Chapter 13 Breaking Up is Hard to Do: Nations, States, and Nation-States A. Logistics Students’ Time Requirements Activity 1: The Rise of Nationalism and the Fall of Yugoslavia Readings 60-90 minutes Fill in the blanks 75-90 minutes Activity 2: Iraqaphobia Readings 60-90 minutes Fill in the blanks 75-90 minutes The fill-in-the-blanks activity works very well as an in-class group project. It helps for students to be able to discuss the questions and readings with other students. If so, it is absolutely essential that students read the assigned articles in advance of the discussion. They will need to consult the readings to find pertinent passages, but if they are reading it for the first time during group work, they will either not finish or not contribute. I remind my students of this fact several times in the days leading up to the project. If students don’t finish during class, they can finish at home. If done in groups in class, you may wish to suggest that a different student act as recorder for each block of questions. Also, assign a different student to be the discussion leader/gatekeeper to keep the discussion on track and prevent any single individual from dominating the discussion. A third student could function as timekeeper. See Chapter 11 and 14 role-playing activities for further discussion of these tasks. Remind students that Balkan and Middle East politics are always changing and can get...
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...It has always been a practice that teachers all over the country task their students to write an essay or reaction paper about the SONA 2013 SONA 2013 Reaction Paper Guide PNoy had already delivered his SONA yesterday at Batasang Pambansa Complex, Quezon City. This is his fourth SONA, which means he only has three more years before stepping out of the office. To help you formulate a great President Noynoy Aquino SONA 2013 Reaction Paper, we have prepared a guide for you to be able to write on your own. Also, we have a SONA 2013 Reaction Paper Sample to be uploaded in a few. Please just follow the instructions below. Don't copy and paste. Include your own thoughts and reactions about his platforms and achievements. Make an in-depth analysis of how you feel PNoy administration fared for the past year. PNoy SONA 2013 Reaction Paper Guide Teachers have different styles and approach when it comes to writing a reaction paper. However, it is mainly divided into three parts. Summary. Give a brief background about the topic at hand. You can include some details about the SONA, information on its schedule, location and the simple facts about PNoy's term. You can also include the main theme that PNoy focused on in his speech. Analysis. Scrutinize the entire speech. Find the strong and weak points. Find the parts you agreed with and the ones you feel doesn't make any sense. Make little comments about the reaction of the crowd and how you perceived it, if it is different...
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...The Nation-State, Foreign Policy, and Transnational Entities - SST Task 1 Elizabeth A. Lilley Western Governors University The Nation-State, Foreign Policy, and Transnational Entities A modern nation-state is characterized by being a fixed territory, having sovereignty, meaning having authority over its territory or its geographical area, and having a common culture. The definition of a Nation is "A culture group residing within the territory of a political state." (Perry, 2009) I selected Scotland, and the reason why is because they are a country that is part of the United Kingdon, which holds sovereignty over Scotland. The Queen of England is the head of state. Scotland was an sovereign state until 1707 when they came under the control of the United Kingdom. Scotland does however have a limited self-government within the United Kingdom and is also represented in the United Kingdom Parliament. The United Kingdom Parliament has power over Scotland's taxes, social security, defense, broadcasting, and international relations. Where as the Scottish Parliament has legislative pwer of all other areas for Scotland. (Scotland, n.a.) A State is, "the abstract embodiment, or the symbol, of the political institution." (Perry, 2009) I select the United Kingdom and the reason is the United Kingdom, also called the UK, and has sovereignty over England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The Queen of England is the chief of state, and...
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...Values of the nation after the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States are two fundamental founding documents in American history. In the eighteenth century, the documents foreshadowed the aspirations of the founding fathers for the newly created United States of America. These documents are illustration of the values of the young nation, however they do not represent all the American citizens at the time of writing, as they are limited to the political and societal elite. This will be discussed through an analytical examination of these documents and how they reflect the relationship between the American citizen and nation. As a first consideration, both documents are integral in the understanding of the foundation of the United States. The Declaration of Independence was signed in Independence Hall in Pennsylvania, July 4, 1776 by the founding fathers of the United States of America. On that day the thirteen colonies of the United States dissolved their bond with King George III and Great Britain. The origin of these documents is a primary government source written by leading political figures of the time. The founding fathers developed and signed this document with a belief “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...
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...General Models Nation Building and Political Development 1 Nation Building and War-fighting in Historical Perspective 4 Post Cold War Approaches to Nation-building: The Case of the United States: 6 Nation Building and War fighting: A Snapshot of the Record 8 Germany and Japan: misleading historical lessons, specious claims: 9 CONCLUSION 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY 11 ASSESS THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WAR-FIGHTING AND NATION-BUILDING. Nothing is, and will remain in such short supply in the greater majority of the polities of the world’s ‘countryside’, as a sense of political community; and yet no such crucial term as ‘nation building’ has of recent been subjected to so much trivialisation and casual usage. This essay attempts to lay out what it is that nation building entails, as a background to assessing whatever linkage it may have with war fighting, causally or by coincidence. I outline existing schools of thought on nation building and demonstrate that it bore a clear relationship with war fighting especially in the dusk of the extensive empires of Western Europe. I argue that the United States had a much rosier experience by virtue of its geographical isolation, and of being constituted by an immigrant population, and as such, it may the least qualified actor to enforce nation building however construed. The essay points out the prevailing fallacy of conflating short-term post-conflict reconstruction with protracted nation building and state making and concludes...
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...Dani Rodrik May 2011 The extent of the market is limited by the scope of workable regulation/governance The main locus of legitimate governance remains the nation state. state There are legitimate differences across nation states on the shape that regulatory institutions ought to take ◦ Differences in history, culture, levels of income result in divergences in needs and preferences ◦ That is where democratic deliberation resides ◦ Transnational forms of “global governance” likely to remain weak at best ◦ A corollary to: Adam Smith’s “The division of labor is limited by the extent of the market.” ◦ Markets need a wide range of non-market institutions. They are not selfcreating, self regulating, self stabilizing, self-legitimizing. Markets cannot work properly and be politically sustained in their absence. We have to contend with a world economy that remains a patchwork in terms of governance … and moderate our ambitions regarding economic globalization We run one of two risks when we get the balance wrong: Recognizing the centrality of nation-states is nation states more likely to contribute to a healthy global economy than trying to eviscerate it ◦ legitimacy deficit when we push global rules too far ◦ Inefficiency and instability when we push global markets too far The balance of global forces is becoming more centrifugal The supply of global leadership will be in short supply s o t supp y ◦ Declining role of U.S. in global economy g g y ◦ EU likely...
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